Show THE WORTH OF MINING TO OUR prosperity mining I 1 is a vital element in the economic life of the western states in a single le state utah the industry employs about one third of the total number of workers and produces a bout about one third of new annual wealth it supplies four fifths of nil all the stats states railroad raili nad freight tonnage its annual output is about of whit which is expended main y within the state for tv aires smelting smelling sm elting and transportation thirty millions roes goes directly for or labour labor while about one eighth of the gross total is expended in dividends to stockholders sue such facts as these reveal the dan per gor of an any P program r 0 gram which alms aims at over taxing 0 or r over mier regulating the mining industry retarding the progress of the industry in such a state would precipitate a calamity mining developed fyie west w cst in the early dayi day and it is as vital to the lo resent and the future BS as it was to the past if only for selfish reasons the people of the west must demand that gln ni 1 be treated fairly aitel and equitably |