Show ONE prescription MADE FAMILY DOCTOR FAMOUS seldom has any single net act been of greater benefit to mankind than that of dr caldwell in 1885 when he wrote tile the prescription which has carried its his fume fame to tle the four corners of tile the earth over and over dr caldwell wrote the prescription as ne found men women and children suffering from those common symptoms of 0 constipation such ns as coated tongue bad breath headaches gas nausea biliousness no energy lack of appe tite and similar slilla things demand tor for tills this prescription grew so fast becaj be caulo s of the pleas ant quick way it relieved such symptoms of constipation that by 1883 1888 dr caldwell was forced to have haie it put up ready for use today dr caldwelle Cal dwells syrup pepsin pepsi as it Is called Is always ready at n any drugstore ale Z drahm open at first sign of stoppage stop pagO FRI ONTO empty a can of f ast FULL 0 IGN ivor king lewis lye in the drain and flush tta with hot water C 0 JAN fud far airree ANIA SAL althe truth about lye a james D swat of specialties the pennsylvania salt bof g co apt 30 N IA ban st chigo chi go M MR I 1 D jel S GRAIDE GRADE automobiles buys for cash all grades of cars sells fully guaranteed cars 60 days service mcbride specializes in latest models all makes new or reconditioned McBRIDE 3 always has a large stock of late model automobiles on hand including packard chrysler cadillac willys knight graham paige dodge essex plymouth hudson erskine pontiac studebaker tu debaker ford chevrolet mcbride says see him first if you want wa nt to BUY SELL or TRADE mcbrides IDEIS aes cor ath south ZI a main SALT LAKE CITY I 1 6 CON OCO celebrates i its t s C conquest 0 n q u e s t i in n america s greatest motor moto r Cl classic assid r Z X X GERM PROCESSED is the first stock motor oil to it place it in indianapolis speedway raceal now penetrative LUBRICITY proves its worth in the terrific punishment of racing motors dave evns evans driving a one hundred in the dornes domestic dc oil market station bearin bearing g the conof twenty two cubic inch the nation natio il oco red triangle I 1 you front drive miller spec special lal it was only good strategy th C n j never ever were told that about placed sixth out of thirty eight for to again afy I 1 b t A aj j t A 11 any other oil were you re stir starters evans added less than bring th the e su superiority perio ricy of skor 1101 to member ri germ processed is one half the amount of oil germ processed oil to your oil f kt mid i baj she ii res abt the first stock oil that ever usually consumed in in the average attention in in this sensational 1 C 0 G placed in this rice race now racing motor in rive five hours way at a time when motor Mst crOil has proven iu its twenty four minutes fifty ests in every section of the country claims chims confirmed its challenge and four seconds of driving at an hive have been lending willing ears cars to justified this request of you average speed of 7 miles per the story of the germ process if you value the life of your hour learning that this 64 is the first fundamental motor it if you would reduce your m improvement in oils since operating costs if you want better more mm man otte one and seventy lubrication than any other on oil can 1901 reading the sensational thousand cheering excited give i you go to the sign of the red disclosures of oil merit following people friday may 3 30 0 saw motor Tri triangle ingle and ask for do something that no other the recent pikes Pike peak tests test stock oil has ever done before by this mist masterful erful A jh siw MW claims for the stroke crystallizes the alread already lewid widespread C CONO N 0 sensational new germ processed conviction that germ oil verified beyond the shadow of i A processed motor oil is the safest oil doubt saw the supreme for everyday every day driving GE geam R M test rest applied to in twenty seven million americas newest oil cars saw w germ processed for the germ pro proceed ROU oil place among amon tile the cassed oil used in this leaders of the indianapolis race face was the same s race saw stock oil that you can r f A K BA A F F I 1 N 0 BASS A S G victoriou victori om ow buy at any ny service f OT 0 R OIL |