Show fl y F I 1 EBB RON AND RODEO WILL BE GOA EVENT of UTAH 1 two days of raking racing sports stunts 14 and diversion i will follow big 7 49 parade dd 4 program T the san juan post of the legion has everything in hand for the biggest pioneer celebration and anui rodeo odeo in monticello july 24 and 25 that has everlee ever been n staged in southeastern utah the will opan wathla withla with 1 a parade of 49 and the downing crowning of the boue queen ot of Des ciet follow followed edby by a apro pr 0 gram giam at t the e L I 1 D S church in the I 1 rooming morning the committees in fit charge of tc affair report that they have assurance that at least three and perhaps four or more strings of horses will be here from fhe outside to tb compete for the racing prizes with a number of stunt and other nun numbers bers 1 besides these se several eral matched i speed events are arc among the possibilities as are already maki making medicine to pit their favorites against others i F from tom indications nt at this date lacic acre will be the largest aggregation of race lace horses rough lough ride rs and equine inc experts that has ever gotten to toge together lher in ilic he san juan basin 1 l following is is the of to diversions and sports spoils offe offered THURSDAY Y JULY 21 beginning 90 9 cic a in 4 days dayi of 49 tirade parade and crown crowning ity of queen of dweres program at L 1 D 3 meting song jatal jutal lai vo ile love theo arar I 1 J gillack quartet firmly stand standby my active land fletcher arch and 1 clint bronson Dronson Jay radd aran bronson bionson director talk maimon Al nimon Ba tallion ralpl A drown selection blanding orchestra chestra Oi 1 1 I I talk pioneer rays pays A R leraan ly an song bees of D t derev queen and bees reading Heading Mrs marie redd 4 violin selection thos E evans evarise Eva risi song star spangled banner congregation benediction C ac E walton beginning 2 felock UC ft lock p m kid poncy panty race purse entrance e y 1711 nee tee fc e 25 cents i r i fre for I or all quarter mile apcel kace auise rk Entrance ta 44 EO 1 purse 2560 alra cae L fee fec 60 teti ten dollar purse for best entertainment goot doat kopiar purse 2500 entrance feea fee I 1 tivo avar OM ohl race purse potato tind novelty race if timo time will permit poman race all races to stait lefoie before a barrier big danco dance at other entertainment in tho the evening FRIDAY JULY 25 1 begioni I 1 ng 10 a m kids rase dal ball sports foot races cash cah prizes 1 r brinning Bg inning p in half wilp milo froc for all curse entrance fe fee c 1000 chariot hoep arse 00 Enn nife fee 60 relay graec arn c 50 0 Ezit nince fee yard d dash purse 1500 entrance mulo rice 1000 entrance fee entertainment stunt purse 1000 dance and an 1 other evening entertainments committees COMMIT IN CHARGE general Commit committee tec Corn commander mander guy S washburn Wash luin chairman vice commander chrs chas clarey and 2nd vice lynn hyde Fi nanee committee P F W bellei chaliman chairman arah arab shumway lynn tryde outdoor sports spoils nir V R young chain non nan F W keller lc leslie alic young guy washburn n wilford frost float lynn hyde indoor sports Law lawrence ronce black chairman ahman ch wilford frost M r F linan chas harvey concessions gu guy y R hurst huist chairman ralph A brown biown cloud claud rowley fred morse silas D kartchner |