Show too little attention paid to attractiveness to some extent there has been a growing regard for or attractiveness in building of dwelling houses and the design of premises in both exter exterior lor and interior plans for business places great and abnit in the construe construction tion of hotels office buildings and an d apartments and even in tilling filling stations but we still have investors who insist upon putting up merely utilitarian houses plain unattractive stores dry goods box styles of apartments and other merely serviceable construction when for a little more outlay a much better investment could be made or better re results stilts could be had even with the same sama expenditure of money and a little more application of intelligence telli gence we still have home owners who could well afford to keep their houses and tile the lawns to in order but put no value on the factor of attractiveness who do not appreciate the importance to themselves of making a good 0 oil appearance who are content to live in relative dinginess when they could give themselves a brighter outlook on life from their private domain ledger |