Show a comparatively easy to make roads beautiful our roadsides are la in no small way the nations nearest public park aurli to wil millions lIons who can go gono no farther tb aliey ey are the only out of doors to to the come the trees and flower flowering lag bushes and the sunlight on the file grasse grits sei 11 tibey ley are embassies of nature to those who ft ho cannot travel from roin tile the beaten path but the roadsides of america now are unkempt and broken nature to la hacked backed away ditches are foul t the be taits plied piled with dumpings dummings dum pings the slopes are bare beside the hot dog shocks chocks the road goes through toa destination but the main destination which very lery often Is the beauty on the way usually Is ignored to 10 the building costs and maintenance of roads a iper 1 per cent addition more or less for aiding planted an and I 1 natural vegetation would double the roads real value at small expense parkways park ways can be made mada along blonn the public rodda roads flowering trees can be set out slopes can be vine covered the roadsides cabb made the finest and most useful park of the entire nation without doubt a great value odthe of the public roads la Is yet to be realized they are used by motorists seeking natural beauty A trine trifle more expenditure with restrictive measures against eyesores would make them what the tru traveler veler hopes to |