Show AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR CLOSING HOURS FOR STORES WITHIN THE TOWN OF MONTI CELLO be it ordained by the tha board of trustees of the town of monticello utah that it shall le be unlawful for the owner proprietor manager or other person perso n in charge of any T mercantile pre ancile establishment grocery store meat mea shop or other store within the limits of this town to keep the sanie same ope open n for the transaction of business between tile the hours of seven p tn and six a m or to keep the same open for the transaction of business upon lon hou sunday or any other ether legal holiday iday fixed by the law of tile the state of utah except that all such places of business may be kept open for business u until the hour of nine p ni of the evening preceding any holiday and I 1 the owner proprietor or manager ot ol any confectionery store drug druc store sterei or other place of business where d drugs 0 g 5 O or confections confect ions are aie dispensed may keep k such place of business oam for the transaction tran s action of business in such druga and confections confect ions only batwin n thi of six a III and eleven p tit ni 0 every day any peron violating vio latine lh ahe Tov kinni 1 nf r this ordinance upon conviction thedor shot shall be punished by a fine fina of not exceeding fifty dollars |