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Show BOWLING j The event holding the g-eatest ' interest at the Southeast during the past week has been the City Women's tournament. Mrs. Iva Moore carried off the chief honors of the affair, winning the Class A singles title with a 556 series, and the all events crown with 1569 total pins. Her 554 in team play led the Hudson Eay team to the title in Class A with a 2429 total. Madge Garton won the class B single with 537 and was second sec-ond high in grand all events with 1528 Madeline Sowles and Francis Fran-cis Collier took the Class A doubles doub-les with 1054 and Anne Andersen and Sylvia Evans were high in Class B. High team in Class B was Whipple's with Bowers Home Furnishings second Class C team to come in first place was Shrine Ladies No. 2. Sylvia Evans was high in Class C singles and all events, and high doubles team was Marie McGuire and Emma Lutz. The tournament was highly sucessful due to the unceasing labor of Irene Press, City associate assoc-iate secretary. To accommodate the women's tournament the Southeast League and the Cardinal Ladies League advanced their schedule a week, leaving only three leagues bowling bowl-ing on schedule at the Southeast last week, the Forest ladies, the Southside, and the Lumbermen's leagues, and this week Sugar House Major. Ii the Forest Ladies league the Pine team had 2112 for high series ser-ies and 708 for high game, and Emma Lutz of this team was high individual with 496 and 188. The Southside had Bingham Merchants in high series and game with 2691 respectfully, while Hugo Ensign of Camera Centre had 600 for high series individually in-dividually and Central Lumber's McCarty rolled a 236 high game. Barnett and Weise returned to the top of the league with a 4 point win. Utah Pigeon Club of the Lumbermen's Lum-bermen's league had 2631 for high series, and Granite Mill rolled 971 high game. To R. Keddington of M. and M. Yard went 642 individual indivi-dual high series and 252 high game. One of the bowling events of the seson will be held at the South east Bowling Courts on Sunday November 23 when the 3rd round of the match game Elimination will be played. Play will begin at 10 a. m. and continue until 10 p. m. 30 of the ace bowlers of the state are competing to find a challenger for the Match Play crown now held by Joe Barney. After the first round which was played at the Ritz November 9, Herman Schittler was leading with 2067, followed by Hugo Ensign En-sign 2032, Perc. Jensen 2008 Frank K. Baker 2004, Ed. Howard How-ard of Ogden 1999. There are twelve or fourteen more with better bet-ter than 1900 pins for the first 10 games bowled. The public is cordially invited to attend this interesting match. |