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Show H' SPECIAL COKN i AZA SPECIAL PACK EXTRA 2V POPS PERFECTLY VENDtR jT Smartly Styled Draperies Any Beginner Can Make lit v--I Mj lis j j y I iiiij , Hi! I CO PATRICIAN, thes draperies topped with a graceful swag I You may make them yourself combining just the colors for your room. Rayon damask in dusty rose for the draperies, rayon satin for the swag, brown fringe for trimming that's one stunning choice. Our 32-page booklet has exact diagrams and directions for making many attractive attrac-tive styles of draperies, drapery-curtains and glass curtains. Tells how to trim; make swags, valances. Send your order to: READER-HOME SERVICE 117 Minna St. San Francisco, Calif. Enclose 10 cents in coin for your copy of NEW IDEAS IN MAKING CURTAINS AND DRAPERIES. Name Address Women say, "I bake mora cakes on the same food budget." More cakes, yes; but better cakes, too, for Clabber Girl's formula, tested and proved for more than fifty years, is positive assurance of perfect baking results. Order a can of Clabber Girl from your grocer today. You will be surprised when he tells you the price. And, your baking" successes will delight you. Clabber Girl means Bigger value when you buy, Better results when you bake. A house-full of smoking pleasure pleas-ure is the gay, new Christmas gift package of Camel Cigarettes now being featured by local dealers. Designed in the shape of a house, trimmed even to the snow on the roof, this colorful package contains con-tains four "flat fifties" 200 Camel Cigarettes, America's favorite. No wrapping is needed. There is even a gift card printed right on the package. For those smokers on your Christmas list, give Camels and be sure your gift is appreciated. appreci-ated. Camels are also available in the regular carton of ten packages pack-ages of "20's" 200 cigarettes. The carton, too, is handsomely wrapped and ready to give. Adv. INDIGESTION Gas may excite the Heart action At the first Biffn of distress smart men and women depend on Belans Tablets to set gas free. No laxative laxa-tive bat made of the fastest -acting medicines known for symptomatic relief of gastric hyperacidity. If the FIRST TRIAL doesn't prove Bell-ans better, reraro bottle to ob and receive HOUBLE Money Back. Sea. aaaaaw a"aaaw j NOTHING COMES EVEN V j CLOSE TO CAMELS WITH ME. ' j THEY'RE A19LOSF! By FAR. : U AND, MAN, WHAT A ! (J SWELL FLAVOR j j if -"f 'l CurtissTest I X " v. 3. Mot BlU Ward t ' 1 te.ts dive- pf A ' f ' ' J bombers for tlio ' ' f , ' Navy... shares M N i "' aV the Navy man's 111 Ivf ,:.y.'Y preference for , j fittfyj&SA cameis- H THE SMOKE OF SLOWER-BURNING CAMELS CONTAINS 28 LESS NICOTINE than the average of the 4 other largest-selling brands tested less than any of them according c to independent scientific tests r Qif j of the smoke itself! J f? hi jjiij.i..,.,.HTO,.jryW p mm. mw ' Sdktdce't I 'l-j. crfi Newat I ;.?:! J, Jyjr Prices Range from S2.00 to $4.00 Single i -n j-'"::)r 200 R00M5-MDIOS FOR EVTSY ROOMJ , '-" ' i a-:5)ir 200 HIE IATHS g Union y i , r ' ' -'' r AH West Exposure Room Air-ContHtionei I Ccrvov ' i(tt&ir new 550 009 oC j" -t"" Strike i V VX COFFEE SHOP .', . " " ' - r nn iMtun mn iiwMi ii J |