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Show ROTARIANS ROTARY ANN'S HAVE LUNCHEON THURSDAY A get together of the Rotarians and Rotary Ann's of the Sugar Su-gar House Rotary club took place Thursday noon when a luncheon was held at the Weasku Inn. Samuel J. Nicholes arranged the program, which consisted of musical numbers and readings A feature of the program was a mixed quartet selection sung by Dr. T. E. Robinson, Mrs. Robinson, Robin-son, Heber Aldus and Mrs. Aldus, all members. Carl Brown, Rotary president, welcomed the ladies and thanked them for the splendid work they, " have done throughout the past year. He urged them on to still greater work during this coming year and praised them for their undertakings. He asked the ladies to help see that their husbands kept up their good work in the Rotary. Irene Leaver, president, responded respond-ed when introducted, saying that the Ann's were glad to be a part of the organization and were enjoying en-joying their work. Mrs. L. L. Richards led the group in singing community songs and the day's event was pronounced one of the best meetings meet-ings of the year with goodfellcw-ship goodfellcw-ship and humor evidenced through out the meeting. |