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Show 'Death Ray' Proves Able To Cause Brain Fatigue BERKELEY, CALIF. A death ray developed by an American naval officer it kills bacteria at a distance of six inches can cause mental fatigue fa-tigue in humans, it was revealed. It is a magnetic device which produces pro-duces 9,300 vibrations a second. This frequency is just within the upper limit of human hearing. It produces an extremely high-pitched shriek which can be heard a block away. There are several other types of vibrator vi-brator which can kill microscopic life at short distances. The machine was built by Commander Com-mander A. P. Krueger, head of the navy's first mobile medical research unit. Individuals who stand close to the machine longer than a few minutes at a time become mentaUy weary, Commander Krueger said. They lose some of their ability to do mathematical math-ematical problems. This effe" |