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Show Jackson School of Dancing New Class Now Starting Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic and Ballroom DIAL S-0926 for information BUY ONLY GOOD COAL PHONE Dial 7-1523 "LOBB'S on the JOB" SUGAR HOUSE COAL 0. 2191 Highland Drive JOSEPH WM. TAYLOR immortal iHariuanj William C. Lukey Marguerite Taylor Lukey For 58 Years a Community Institution THE SAME PERSONAL SERVICE TO ALL REGARDLESS OF COST 125 North Main Phone 3-7624 No Ping-CdLd Ping-CdLd Gal. No Sir! gasoline at any higher price! TRAVELERS OIL COMPANY SOUTH TEMPLE and 2ND WEST NINTH EAST AND 21ST SOUTH WHAT A DIFFERENCE! Com pare its performance with any & ,., "' Be Ahead with a fpJg New Permanent f ) For a Limited Time Regular $5.00 Permanents $3.50 - $4.00 BELLE S BEAUTY SHOP (Formerly the Becky-Dot Beauty Shop) 2040 South 11th East Phone 6-1505 FREE CHRISTMAS ' - fS CARDS Merrjy I Qhristmas In a war-torn world, the Spirit of Christmas is more real, more vivid, this year than ever before for these of us who are privileged to enjoy our Liberty. Your relative3, your friends, the boys in training camps all will appreciate a Christmas Greeting Card this Holiday Season. Box of Christmas Greeting Cards FREE! to Subscribers And we truly mean FREE! We have a special selection of Christmas Greeting Cards in boxes which we will give to those who become subscribers sub-scribers to this paper. Old subscribers who renew their subscription will also receive a box of these beautiful Christmas Cards. Boxes contain 1H cards all one design, 90c retail. Limited Here's Our Offer Quanity! No more Christmas For each one year'ssubsciption in cash covering Cards will be matin- new renewal or paying up delinquent subsciption, factured this year' . . , Only a limited sup- ' the Polisher of lh,s paper w.Il g.ve you one box ply is available. Sub- of 18 Christmas Cards---retail value 90c. scrile now to be sure of setting vourcanls. . to T"M I 1 Come in and See Them! The supplv of these cards is limited and wc reserve the riht to withdraw the oiler when the supply is exhausted. THE hoguasI BULLETIN "Tour Community Tewsjpaper" j Subscription Price: $1.00 per year ' The BOYS in (AMP will appreciate their HOME TOWN NEWSPAI'KK. Bfirin Now! 1 119 East 21st South Phone 6-2333 i . Bee-Hive Coal Co. 1456 So. 2 West Dial 6-5C56 Furnace Lump Coal $7.75 Stove - 7.50 Nut Coal 6.95 Pea .. . 6.25 Oil Treated Dustless Stoker Slack 5.10 BURGUNDY ) 1 ZIXFANDEL V f3 v (3 RIESLING 13 1 ' SAUTERNE , I - A 1 RED PORT , 1 , 3 WHITE PORT cf" ll" MUSCATEL r '' TrJN)ih " 1 " j TOKAY j .J SHERRY ' 32 U ANGELICA Blsccglia Brothers Wine Co. Bonded Winery 1 Keedley, California Swt Winn Dr Wlnm Uol.i 20 bi Yolum. Alcohoj ia b Volume fi OBJiAMENTAL, IKON S j We Make j PORCH RAILING j i j Granite Welding I & Wire Works tj 2021 South 11th East U Dial 6-8345 ,j |