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Show V TE JOIN ALL AMERICA ON THIS DAY W OF THANKS FOR A FREE AMERICA A SUGAR HOUSE LUMBER s? HARDWARE COMPANY 4 SQUARE LUMBER DEALERS Dial 6-8601 1174 East 21st South " " THANKSGIVING DAY IS AN AMERICAN CUSTOM, BORN OF AMERICAN IDEALS AS AMERICANS, WE HAVE CAUSE TO GIVE THANKS FOR THE BLESSINGS OF THE PAST YEAR. Granite Furniture Co. Sugar House Let us give Thanks for our plenitude 1941 V Grand Central Markets IN SUGARHOUSE BECAUSE THE HOPE OF CIVILIZATION NOW RESTS ON AMERICA THERE IS SPECIAL CAUSE FOR THANKSGIVING Success Markets "Shop at our Newly Re-Modeled Store on Market Corner" in "SUGARHOUSE T ET US GIVE THANKS THAT WE ARE i-i AMERICANS MANHATTAN BEAUTY SALON 1635 South State Dial 6-4S19 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Shampoo, Finger Wave and Manicure JL "COR OUR LIBERTY LET US GIVE " THANKS PROGRESS SHOE REBUILDERS "We aim to please" 1059 East 21st South Street Dial 6-0881 THANKSGIVING The American tradition symbolizes cultural and spiritual as well as material ABUNDANCE. MY FLOWER SHOP The only Union Flower Shop in Salt Lake City 541 East 17th South Dial 6-6460 Flowers express thoughts Let our Flowers Speak for You iTlAf " EEAUTIFUL NEW tS PnT STUDEBAKER TjX IKJ SEDAN IJM I f GIVEN AWAY ( 1 V ABSOLUTELY FREE , j Thanksgiving Nighl si! JM? Late Dancing -51 C-T BROX MUSIC ?- nS eo'efittOT E tii I tp. JL 'w. V"'J"'''"'"'T '"'"''" GO when tlie traffic is light Notice the ebb and flow of long distance telephone calls during an average day as shown by the chart below. There is a sharp peak in mid-morning when the business men you may want to reach are busiest. Note the other peak after 7 p.m. That's when your out-of-town friends are likely to be telephoning, too. If you can avoid these peaks you will get faster service. It's worth remembering these days when defense puts such a load on telephone facilities. Avoid the Peaks and You Avoid Delay ott Long Distance Calls l J T . i: 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 T-T 1 77- 6am 7am 6am 9am IOam 11am 12 In 2.m 3.m 4.m 5m 6.m 7pm. Aim 9.m t - V4 FT 1 " ! IV Tune in "THE TELEPHONE HOUR," popular . ell System radio program. Heard ever '. V: i & Monday at iO p.m. on the NBC red network. ; I jr ' FOR KENT Large and small Apartments at Laney House Holladay, 4707 Locust lane and Laney Avenue, Irving Jr., High. Electric Range, oil heat, hot water, private baths HURRY Burgundy (Dry) H&v -'aW Ch.blls (Dry) ' U0ftii Haut Sauterne VCS' ' ;'VSt (Mellow) .' Of ft Sauterne (Dry) V' .'' H J , ". Muscatel 's'U-.'i-v- T K '-3 l (Sacramental) '"1 Muscat de Fron- -jVri."..,it.-" pSa w ' Sherry XXX '.V;; ' li , feJ Sparkling Moselle 3r fKP j II f :' ,f .V Sparkling " ((QL iL Burgundy )J Kcd Port XXX -r-- Famous Beaulieu Vineyards Wines Rutherford, Napa Comity, California IwM Wines l"i "in ,. , ' Alcohol 20 bi Volum. Alcohol U'.i bj- 1 olonn n n THANKSGIVING HOLIDAYS Your Windshield Cleaned Your Radiator Checked Your Hattery Checked Your Tires Inflated Your Oil Checked Your Gas replenished That's What I Mean by' SERVICE Drive In Please -Drive Out Pleased T. A. THOMSON ' Agent ij UTAH OIL SERVICE STATION I 3 17th South and State Expert Lubrication r i t, r- " ' .. " ,,V '' " ...... " ' 1 |