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Show Crocheting Has a Gay Fashion Role Crocheters, now is your big moment mo-ment Crocheting is rising to dizzy heights of style prestige this season. sea-son. It is nothing less than astonishing aston-ishing to see what novel and intriguing in-triguing costume accents can be achieved with crocheting. This new enthusiasm for crocheting is "going big" with leading designers everywhere who are bringing new artistry and imagination into the field of crochet design. One of the most fascinating gestures ges-tures noted this season is that the new longer length heralded for the smartest vividly colorful suede or fabric gloves is being achieved by either gauntlet or mosquetaire tops done in simple crocheting decorated decorat-ed with tiny crocheted flowers or tiny ruffles that finish the top edge and then go meandering down the glove. Wool suits and dresses are cunningly cun-ningly detailed with pockets crocheted cro-cheted of yarn in either a matching match-ing or a contrasting color. A crocheted patch pocket embroidered embroid-ered in your monogram will add a thrilling touch to your long middylike middy-like jersey sweater. Other ideas include a border of crocheting that widens the brim of your gay colored felt hat. Add a bag and belt with related crocheted detail. Cover big button molds with plain crocheting adorned with an applique of crocheted flowers. Designers De-signers are also bringing genius to play in the crocheting of scarfs and triangular head coverings. In fact, there is no end to the charming and unique uses now being made of crocheting |