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Show Ill lrt 111 at home, would never AlAril Ani take place if it weren't a rsll I iritT or m'scra'e stomachs! ALlillMrill Nervout strain encour-rtKUU""-"' a8e. formation of eica acid, indigestion, gas discomfort can make people say things never intended. Before it happens to YOU get ADLA Tablets. Their Bismuth and Carbonates relieve QUICKLY. Druggists have ADLA. LISTEN TO . . . BAUKHAGE The Nat'l Farm & Home Hour 10-30 each morning, Monday through Friday KUTA, Salt Lake at 570 KC and other NEC Blue Network Stations Your problem this winter is not whether you can afford Weed Chains but can you afford Ta skid smash-up? The best skid accident insurance is the kind that prevents them. That's Weed American Bar-Reinforced Tire Chains which give you these four important advantages: (1) Bar -Reinforced Cross Links. (2) Weedalloy a tougher metal. (3) Patented Lever- 3050 Lock End Hooks posi-JL JaSRVcv tive fastening, (4) Side fes fyP&& Chains welded and hard- WJMju' ened to resist wear. Ask for Weed American Bar- fry Wl riK&'tiril ReinforcedTire Chains. ijA iSK They give more than dou- iff 'Ms& ble the mileage, save cars (fff '"' JrK I save steel for Defense. St SL I AMERICAN CHAIN & CABLE iHf lIL 1 COMPANY, INC. J7jr f l-y f I York Pennsylvania Iffl a M iXliW 1-3 C3fMl -A In Businas for Your Safely W jj jZ'SJ lniiliiMi iiiiImIii mmn 1 --HT -alia-Ti i mar -J,w- J SALT LAKE HOTELS Nice quiet rooms at $1.50 Well Furnished, close to everything-. Coffee Shop. Garafre. NEW GRAND HOTEL, 4th South and Main. HOTELS When in RENO. NEVADA stop at the HOTEL GOLDEN Reno's largest and most popular hoteL OFFICE EQUIPMENT NEW AND USED desks and chairs, 61s. typewriters, adding inch's, safes, bk -cases. S. L. DKSK EX.. 35 W. Broadway. Salt Lake BEAUTY SCHOOL Quick SCHOOL OP BEAUTY CULTURE Ulbll Largest in the West. 13 years successful suc-cessful operation. Modn, thorough, practical prac-tical Enroll anytime. Write for catalogue. 31S South Main Salt Lake City. Utah NEW SONGS pmSJ 1 1 1 V 1 1 1 1 1 1 l$X(?K ,n SALT LAKE GTY fcMfr tiie : flliSr iw HOUSE : - j HOTEL I u ' ? "5.$ 1 3 J Choice of the DiscriminatingTrareler B'jfiSsjtl'l J3?i i; " - i i I i fI 400 ROOMS 400 BATHS : i Rates: $2.00 to $4.00 ; Our $200,000.00 remodeling and refurnishing program has made available the finest hotel accommodations! in the West AT OUR SAME POPULAR PRICES. CAFETERIA tTTZtir DININO XOO BUFFET f " : : ' "' MIRROR ROOM J.HOLMAN WATERS and W.ROSS SUTTON ; VERY SATURDAY EVENING Sons; Writers - There's a market demand for new sonps. Our modern copyrighted Bales I!an helps unknown talent sell their soncs. Write Composers Service, Markham Bldg., Hollywood. California. GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRS By Mail Only . . . Watches repaired 53.50 or less. Returned C.O.D. 10-day service. CRUSKR. 14 W. 1st South, Salt Luke City WATER SOFTENERS Hardest Water made soft as melted snow WITH A RAINIER WATER SOFTENER 09 State, dinner Supply Co.. S U C Ut DEALER FRANCHISES AVAILABLE INSULATION "Cools Old Sol" "Warms Jack Frost" LIVE COMFORTABLY Enjoy the comfort, fire protection and economy, of the superior type of Minernl Wool fiuildinjr Insulation. You pny for heat in your home, so wh not have it? See Your Local PciUt WOOLSULATE, INC. 1319 So. Main St. Salt I.alu City. UL WNU Week No. 4117 SALT LAKE - r WANTED! ! Raw Furs - Sheep Pelts Hides - Wool FOR HIGHEST PRICES AND A SQUARE DEAL Call or Write NORTHWESTERN HIDE & FUR CO. 463 South 3rd West - Salt Lake City, Utah i |