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Show NO CAUSE FOR WORRY Price Adminstartor Leon Henderson has requested manufactures and retailers dealing deal-ing in comodities subject to the new Federal excise taxes, to increase their prices to consumers con-sumers only by the amount of the new taxes. In other words, he opposes a mark-up system sys-tem whic hwuld pyramid the tax so far as the ultimate buyer is concerned. When the war economy first began there was considerable buying hysteria on the nart of the public, which, if encouraged, could easily eas-ily have resulted in a buyers panic. Retailing then showed its mettle. The chains took the lead in laying down specific, voluntary rules of business conduct designed to give the consumer con-sumer every possible protection. Thousands of independents promptly coperated. The result is that today most retail stores are operating with the lowest overhead in history, his-tory, and are earning the smallest unite profit pro-fit in history. |