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Show PRESIDENT OUTLINES C of C AIMS FOR COMING YEAR Outlines of the aims of -theSugar House Chamber of Commerce Com-merce for the year 1941-42, were given members of the gTOup Wednesday Wed-nesday by Hiram C. Young, newly elected president. Uppermost in the group's aims will be the securing of proper prop-er comfort station in the business district. At the present time, Mr. Young said the stores of the district don't even offer this convenience to their customers. A sub police station will be the next thing on the list, Mr. Young said at the present time when prowlers are caught they must be taken to one of the offices in the business - district to wait for the police wagon. During that time the officer must remain off his beat to hold the offender or walk him around the beat with him until the wagon arrives. An old cell builtin the basement of the fire station that was used prior to the time that the time the sub station was built, and was done away with several years ago. The sub station was torn down several years ago. to clear the ground for the new post office. A better system of lighting on Eleventh East street from Hollywood Holly-wood Avenue to Twenty-First South street is another aim of the group as this section has been poorly lighted for some time and should have some attention. Increased membership, laDel buttins, four social events, a budget bud-get system of financing community communi-ty events and regular meetings with the other civic clubs of Sugar Su-gar House are also aimed at this year, Mr. Young said. A greater Founders Day and a Gi eater Christmas celebration for the next year be aimed by the club, and the directors have all-ready all-ready approached Sugar House people for chairman of these two big events. Mr. Young- said that the first meeting of the month would be a business meeting and the second sec-ond meeting a social meeting with speakers and music. Mr. Young appealed to the members present at Wednesdays meeting to support the directors of the Chamber for only through their cooperation can these things be accomplished. Energetic directors dir-ectors are of no avail if the mem-beship mem-beship lacks civic spirit and cooperation. coo-peration. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, November 19, at Knight's Tea Room, 875 Fast 21st South. I m |