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Show 'They Got Me Covered' Is Funniest Book of Year A NEW all-around chu. pion has been crowned ... in the entertainment world. He is -Bob Hope. Not satisfied with being rated tops on the radio, Number One in screen box office receipts, he is author of one of the nation's best sellers, which just about nails down this triple crown for Bob. "They Got Me Covered," Hope's autobiography, has been claimed by critics and readers alike as one of the year's funniest books. It is a hilarious story, in narrative form, of Bob Hope's life, generously gener-ously illustrated with photographs, in addition to having cartoons depicting de-picting scenes from his life. The book is now available at drug and department stores throughout America at 10 cents per copy with the purchase of a Pepsodent product. This low price is possible because the sale of the book has been sponsored by the Pepsodent Company. Adv. Free, a Grand Cook-Book Standard Brands, Inc., Dept. W, 691 Washington Street, New York City, have prepared a cook-book containing dozens of delicious recipes for those who bake at home. It may be had absolutely free by dropping a post card to Standard Brands at the above address, ad-dress, requesting that it be mailed to you. Adv. When your nostrils become red, Irritated, Ir-ritated, stuffy due to colds or dust. Just Insert a little Mentholatum In them. Note how quickly It soothes the Irritated membranes and relieves re-lieves the stuffiness. It will also checfc sneezing. Once you enjoy Mentholatum's comforting relief, you'll always want to keep this gentle ointment handy. In jars or tubes, 30c. OVER 50? Go-Mdtlp&ied? Most of us find that age and living habits bring on occasional bowel-Laziness. bowel-Laziness. These spells of constipation, constipa-tion, with aggravating gas, may cause restless nights. ADLERTKA can help you face the future more cheerfully. Its ingredients attract to the bowels extra moisture which softens packed wastes and assists in comfortable bowel action. ADLERTKA helps to leave your bowels refreshed and clean. Next time constipation and gas threaten your comfort, try ADLERIKA. Druggists have it WOftlEN HEED THIS ADVICE!! If you're cross, restless, nervous sutler hot flashes, dizziness-caused dizziness-caused by this period in a woman's life try Lydia Pink-ham's Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound. Made especially for women.Helps to relieve distress due to tliis functional disturbance. Thousands Thou-sands upon thousands of women report remarkable benefits. Follow Fol-low label directions. v v WNU W 4741 HOTEL BEN LOMOND OGDEN, UTAH ,'7s. 850 Rootni SCO Bath 12.00 to S4.00 IFmmUf Roomi for 4 ptrionu - - fl.00 Air Cooled Loartge and Ivobbr Dioinc Room Coffee Shop Tap Room Home of Rotary Kiwanla KiecutlTca Exchane OptiralaU "20-30" Chamber of Commerce and Ad Club Hotel Ben Lomond. OGDKN. UTAH Hubert E. Vislck. Mcr. |