Show LOCALS land lale kale L land and sale tomorrow pala pain has no show with dr miles pain pills pilla the crawford laud land will b be told bold tomorrow hon david S cook was a court visitor this week at this office some good hay on oil subscription mrs john F essler of 1111 hilliard liar d wyo is visiting relatives and friends hero here use dr miles NERVE PLA PLASTERS tor for SPINAL WEAKNESS all AH druggists selborn sell sel lorn om for or me now kow is the time to secure a home on easy terms attend the sale tomorrow castor machine oil oily nily 35 cents per gallon in 5 gallon cans mckinnon bros the Coloia colliado do poultry journal is the one tu to subscribe for 50 cents per year published at denver colo mrs J B booth is home again af after ter a two weeks leeks visit with mrs john dykins at randolph wyoming press pres an apple inches in circumference was left at this office monday it was grown by geo pope at garden city and was a beauty the 1 mount 1 pleasant sint pyramid has enlarged to a C colquit to Iti it is much improved in makeup make up and general ap pe pearlice pea ruice armice and is one of thu the best country weeklies klies in the state many a devout father wearing out the knees of his pants at church could better serve the lord by exerting liis his efforts on the pants seats seals of the little devils at homo home sundance gazette we have heard a remark of tills this kind from australians englishmen and people from most all the eastern states for fora a city of its size salt lake gets out the best dailies in tile world but tor for their size the towns of rural utah do the least tor foi the papers of any towns we ever saw southern censor jas 11 brown of the firm of brown sons of logan has established a branch works at paris and is prepared to do all kinds of ornamental work in plaster of carls suitable tor for house bouse decorations get his figures for marble and grave gravestones stones prices very reasonable J 11 II brown paris idaho 1 I never in my life says john wannamaker blued such a thing as a poster apostel or dodger dedger or hand bill sly bly plan for twenty years has been to buy so much space in a newspaper and fill it up as I 1 wanted I 1 N would not rive give an advertis advertisement ment in a newspaper of five hundred circulation for five thousand dodgers or posters attend the land sale headache bad get dr miles pala pain plus pills old newspapers for sale at this 23 cents per hundred A beautiful picture of tile salt lake lak e temple with franie frame given away at INIc mckinnon Kinnon bros I 1 nir mr fred voigt accompanied by two tivo sons of mr A V quinn parsed through randolph to the B Q ranch oil saturday miss I 1 mabel lachapelle who was wa s confined to her led bed for several days lat last la t week is convalescing and is ab able le to be about news re register st cr the salt lake tribunes fifty years ago sketches has been compiled and republished published rc in handsome book form with illuminated cover by mail lac at tribune office the poisonous snakes that were on exhibition in beckwith with La kauders lauders Lau dors window have been put into and will te le added to the public school collection of reptile news register 95 91 cents paid for county warrants at mckinnon bros headache and cured by dr MILES PAIN PILLS ono cent a dose why remain sick or in pain when you ia tan n bo be cu cured red by us using i ng rain pa 1 n ra paint i n t price 25 5 a and 50 cents lie per r bottle ET E T pope sole agent randolph utah wm win moss a sheep owner was arrested last saturday and taken before the J P at woodruff who fined him and costs mr moss appealed to the dist court wm vm R south and wife mrs agnes call miss katie south and clyde spencer returned on monday from logan the they had a good time visiting relatives and an friends tile the ephraim enterprise has just completed its seventh year the en tei is i bright paper we congratulate bru bro murray and wish the enterprise many happy returns 3 of it its birthday the deseret news weekly or ir s endi NN vicc eckey kiy and ane ROUNDUP ROUND UP per the semiweekly semi weekly salt rait lake tribune and THE ROUNDUP ROUND UP ur per y year ca r the semiweekly semi weekly salt lake herald and tin ROUNDUP ROUND UP per lier year leroy N french lateef late of the law firm of safford 4 french of des moines iowa I 1 is a new resident re of randolph and will liang out liis his shingle at that place randolph randelph affords a premising location tor for a bright attorney such as mr Fret french teli news new s register miss hattie Stanis forth a I 1 beautiful young lady about 20 years of age lies dead at Ea evanston presumably from the result of a criminal operation dr C TI 11 blackburn and charles martin ire are under arrest charged the former with performing thie the operation and the latter it as an 1 I n accessory the practice of whipping NhIp ping editors has conic come to be a very common practice in utah and idaho but there js Is still graver danger ahead since tile the anarchists have begun to indiscriminately throw bombs bomb at wealthy men there is absolutely no safety in the newspaper business Epli Ephra mini iiii enterprise my boy came home f from roni school one day with his liand band badly lacerated and bleeding and suffering tuf ferina great pain says mr E J shall with nith mci or bros drug co st loi louis mo 1 I dressed the wound and applied chamberlains pain balin freely all pain pahl ceased and in ill a remarkably short time it healed without leaving a sear fur for wounds sprains swellings and rheumatism I 1 know of no medicine or prescription prescript ion equal to it I 1 consider it a hou household behold necessity 11 the 25 and 50 cent sizes sies for sale by all medicine lie dealers dealer |