Show powe AND WHEEL RAGS RACE aud and tho westerners nail to Ac knowl theirl their defeat defore before the people people knew as mud about bicycles as they to do now said the man who has lived yetty pretty macli all over tile the civilized world orld according to the detroit free press there were some tunny funny things happened ill never forget what occurred while I 1 was visiting a friend ot of mine running a ranch up lu in north dakota A young college boy on a vacation came through there on a wheel the first one the cowboys had bad seen their comments on fin the machine were amusing Wo wonder rider it the thing bucks asked one rope a steer from that saddle grinned another nn an hed throw you so far never know where you nt lit be much good in injun lighting fighting declared an old timer and a trim looking young fellow that was the duds dude of that ranch announced disdainfully that lie ho could go farther in a day on his broncho than the youns young fellow could do in a week tell you v what hat ill do dick I 1 said to the boaster ill bet a hundred that lie he can cover fifty miles on his bike in fit less time than you can on your pony I 1 was snapped on every hand enen een my friend expressing a willingness to tap my pile on that same proposition I 1 accommodated them all as tar far as possible and the race was arranged for next day clay the send oft off was like a of 0 july celebration A flying start was made over a straightaway course over a well known trail twenty five miles and return dick was in his gayest attire and when my friend gave the racers tile word there was a fusillade of 0 revolvers mingled with yells that must have reached the man at the turning post of course dick forged ahead tit it the start and his partisans wore jubilant railing at mo me till my watch and pin went up against their accepted valuation things had quieted down and we hall had done a lot ot smoking hing so that the time seemed short when we saw my favorite corning coming on his wheel as though an electric motor was supplying the power he was wag a humped up scorcher and no mistake there was a strong disposition to question his claim of having gone every inch of the route but when dick came in his mount in a complete state of 0 collapse and dick with both hands in the air above his head the crowd wilted gracefully and I 1 had enough 40 to buy a halt interest in the ranch |