Show POLICEMEN WOUNDED chief and shot by a supposed anarchist barcelona sept 0 the ch chief f of police and his assistant who directed the investigation into the bomb outrages were ahot all ot and seriously berio usi y wounded by a suppo supposed aed anarchist who was later arrested the man arre arrested sted is a native of this city but he be belongs b to the paris group of anarchists ills his name is given as barrill As the two police chiefs we were re leaving lea V the circus in the eveni evening ng they were stopped and abused by the prisoner barrill then th on fired at the officers with a revolver wounding chief fortas in the shoulder and chest and As chief in the shoulder both of the chiefs pursued larrill barrill who sought refuge in a wine wina shop where before lie he was taken into custody he shot and severely wounded a waiter chief portas is convinced that barrill is an accomplice of michelo angiolillo the recently executed anarchist |