Show POULTRY interesting CHAPTERS FOR OUR RURAL READERS how HOT successful farmers Iari norB operate T till Is of the lie barm A re ica hints as n to the ho cure care of 0 live block ond nd poultry temptations ND it came to pass that about this time of 0 tho the year a certain man lindeth findell hims alf without shekels and lie about that he may have the pa F wherewithal to purchase food and raiment tor for no man would lend him more until he first paid what was due and as he goeth up and down upon the face of 0 the earth seeking how bow he might get gold without laboi he pass pasa eth ath by the place of the man mail who sell eth milk lie ile stop peth in the street tor for behold he be heareth the sounds of 0 strife and when he goeth into the house of the tha milk dealer ho he adeth f that the milk dealer to take the milk that the farmer had brought tor for it was sour and the farmer fanner was exceeding wroth then this man goeth irto into his home and to his wife eureka which being interpreted means I 1 have a soft snap and he delleth tell etli her to go unto the physician and gel jn an orner omer of a certain kind of acid now an all omer is ten cents worth then this man zetteth ten boxes and on each one Swe etaline and he bo a tenth part of the omer ol of ills hla acid in each box and goeth unto the land of the farmers and when be the farmer whose milk had been sour he him one of the boxes and delleth him to put a tenth part of the substance in the box into the milk and it will keep sweet tor for the space of three days and the farmer paid the man an which is ten omers and he did unto his milk as the man salib and behold it was sweet unto the third day as the man had said then after three days cometh again this man and mayeth unto all the farmers why now trouble you yourselves to keep clean the vessels wherewith you carry your milk to the city or wherefore do you labor scrubbing your milk palls behold tor for the sum of an I 1 will sell unto you a substance which will keep dirty milk clean pl FA W R e 1 w 0 15 AM 1 ae 4 Q nw N w I 1 i WU W U A SINGLE COMB LEGHORN COCK and some ot of the farmers hearkened unto the man and bought ot of him but others said we will not do so tor for behold we have read that this substance that you sell Is polson poison to children but there were enough farmers who cared not for the children ot of other people to buy large numbers ot of boxes boea it f sweet allne and the man got gold ysa yea much fine gold tor for he delleth his stuff unto this day clay national stockman light comb corn large but everil it if thin near the 1 top all th fh l il hackle well bett be sir striped aped but none or tt t all in ot of hackle raull and S be light gray or 0 white may should S chow 1 1 0 more 0 T 0 owl alag n g too much red shows allows purple signs ot of than red arf boi b being e lill h from a b bracky r 1 h hen e n to him arm botlon females matt MI having light brown died cited with darker brownae BE 6 4 brown 0 on n back wings all one shade tree free ul trig ing on back and brick on tram from aba thin hens should have the large wings over but firm and comb ay h sto strong or on the thaw h so it does not IU 11 close to the 31 eye face the cockerels cockerell cocker els r raised alsed from w mating are the birds to use for it breeding females the next year by brown leghorns Leg horns in this manner breedin have two distinct lines ot f blood 4 they should na ij never be crossed aber the leghorn ghori J Is tile the most recent bait aca acq to the mediterranean acquisition class claas it la 11 beautiful bird bard and one that will till its way wherever bred buff arii colored birds have many admirers and hum who have bred them are pronounced pronoun cea their praise ot of their qualities beille ig 14 having the general characteristics the leghorn type the bull buff of 0 felho legion cock has richt butt buff colored hackle in saddle in shade from lemon to cinnic and mon but ol of even solid color in letalu cepi with the rest of 0 the pluma plumage a t the a lm back and wing bow exactly match mak t tho 0 f p age tall is ot of the same gene general I 1 hit A 41 oki F FC ATHEnS OF BROWN L LEGHORNS HORW but richer deeper buff Is pr preferable fe rable tin standard giving tor for tail a rich dey deep buff or bronze the tha remainder of 0 the plumage Is of 0 a slightly lighter shade but even in color throughout with no semblance to I 1 patchy or mottled plumage white an black feathers la in plumage are objectionable tio solid white or solid black feathers will disqualify the bird tin till hen Is of the same color as the cock cherken rating hogs A chicken catcher in a herd of 0 hop Is most exasperating and writes T L irwin in texas farn farm journal one such will soon transform tran storn |