Show additional locals quite a rush has taken place to the new gold find on wood creek miss effle pearce is visiting at bloomington boar bear lake valley we will endeavor to publish a synopsis of the teachers institute next week the paris post came out last week as a 5 col quarto just double its former size the change should be appreciated precia ted by its readers yesterday morning mr an and d mrs elmo cook left logan for randolph where mr cook has accepted a position as school teacher logan journal miss lillian webb of laketown Lake town who was until recently teaching in a kindergarten school at ogden is ig talking of teaching music in randolph this winter atty jas 11 wallis could not attend court here as lie he intended owing to uncertainty as to when the assault case cage would be called up tip at paris pari geo wilson the youth who was ill with appendicitis died on monday lie he was an orphan and within a few days of his birthday ile he was buried in the randolph on wednesday tile the sheep cases did not come up at this term of dist court rich county is undoubtedly waiting to see the result of the summit co case which will be carried to the supreme court as a test case jash jis H brown has leased a piece of land from 11 II duffin on en main street and now has his own building on it I 1 with a sufficient frontage e on which to display his excel excellent lent line of headstones etc paris post mr IV A IN moore loore of garden city returned tied from a ti leip ip to ei evanston anston on wednesday lie he gave us a call and planked blanked down a dollar for his renewed subscription we wish afew a few moreon more of our subscribers would do like likewise wic prof J 11 tanner gave an interesting 0 lecture to the public on wednesday evening he also lectured twice at the teachers institute the same day and once on thursday lie ile left for garden city with the intention of lecturing there on thursday evening teachers have been appointed to rich co schools as follows randolph oluf larson randolph peter johnson randolph mrs elmo cook logan south randolph mr elmo cook logan woodruff 0 0 C call heber city miss laura hickman provo city laketown Lake town alt alf hart bloomington ida miss lila john son laketown Lake town round valley C 11 II humphries paris ida we have not yet learned who the teachers are for garden city and meadowville Meadow vIlle A Ine meeting eting was as held in the court house on thursday night for the pur pose of organizing reorganizing re the evanston board of trade which was fast vanishing geo F chapman J E F cashin charles stone W lauder and slier man fargo NN were ere elected trustees with power to appoint a president vice president secie tary treasurer and all committees it was also bcd decided to invite every person with the welfare of tile the town at heart to join and become active members A well conducted board of trade is of great benefit to any city and it is to be hoped that our business iren re en and citizens generally will take great interest in furi furthering hering the objects of this organization I 1 iza tion news register |