Show tetter retter salt and eczema the intense itching and smarting Bm arting incident to these diseases is instantly allayed b by ap apply I 1 ying ing chamberlains eye bye and gi skin n ointment many very bad cases Z have been permanently cured by it it is equally efficient tor for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples chapped hands chil chilblains chilblain blai ns frost bites and chronic sore eyes 25 acts casper per box dr adys condition powders are S enst r t wh what a horse needs when in bad condition tonic blood purifier and they are not food but medicine and the best beat in use to put a horse in prime condition price 23 25 cents per package for sale by all lil dealers professional cards S SPENCE ATTORNEY IVE IT LAI yo IDAHO dr E lee Is prepared to do all kinds of dostal work crown and work a specialty teeth extracted without pain F U kraii rall LE ROY N FRENCH ATTORNEY AT UW US will practice in nil fill courts Collect collections ious promptly attended to RANDOLPH UTAH JAS H WALLIS and counsellor at a law will practice in all utah and idaho courts courm prompt attention given to correspond oco PARTS PARIS IDAHO and trade markt clarks obtained and all patent business conducted for or MODERATE FEU FEES OUR OFFICE U US 5 PATENT OFFICE CE and we palena ia less chaa thou tva remote irom from washington send model drawing or photo with description wo we 1 if or cut note free of charge our fee not du due tm tilt patent is secured secured A PAMPHLET how to obtain patents aih with cost cose of same in the U S and foreign couchie cou cuie lent et free address OPP washington 0 C we have just opened up a full line of the celebrated M D wells co and J hiller and are selling them at tr very low prices t 4 1 aj hard Q cash C ash CASH bal 0 or r congress price 1 i N I WIL 2151 call cal and examine our stock mail PROMPTLY FILLED M cr xa al B Y 1 0 1 IT 11 lf A TUT D are arc buyers of farni farm produce of every kind direct fi from oni the Far farmer liler B bing tamp b OB your hides H headquarters e a for c h su 1 pr I 1 W 11 aj 91 pi laj J gm this sprino spring 0 an entire new stock of clothing is put in af at prices that will astonish the line of gents all wool suits at to in ill blacks and fancy claths cloths are actually is good as those formerly sold at 1200 to 1500 just arri arrived veI a carload car load of barb wire get our prices they are the lowest 6 3 u ap ehg I 1 y hi ad imm hr L lin Is ulf I 1 1 P H ha a r r 10 W az Z S affers y y y afta c k es W Rinde evv sw ii ys enns avi spring Wa wagons gors buggies and bain old hickory I wagons in fact everything V needed on oil a farm or ranch terms and prices right grain taken in E exchange achan ad c ot GIVE US A CALL mansion ETa aston implement company W winchester I 1 RIFLES 1575 cash all sizes and models I 1 thy the largest lino line of sporting goods in ill town lit at eastern pl prices n E OM A N C ASHIN MER COI CO evanston wyoming |