Show FLAGS FOR UNCLE SAM for more than thirty years the flags which our ships and men of war have flaunted daunted all over the world have been made in one suite ot of rooms at the brooklyn navy yard it Is the boast ol of the department that the workers turn out flags better male than those obtainable in any other portion ol of the globe not only are amerlean american flags made but flags of all nations tor for each warship is required to be fitted out with a flag of every nation abich sends ships upon the sea james crimmins the foreman knows more about flags than any one else in in the world ile he weighs the bunting tests the colors measures the stripes cuts the cloth carves out the stars and inspects the sewing the department reserved for the measurement of the flags resembles a gigan giganti tite tc tennis court only in place of 0 white lines the floor Is inlaid with strips and plates ot of brass the measurements ure ments of the flags must be perfect ahe 1 I lie floor is so good and so large that the semimonthly semi monthly balls of the officers stationed at the brooklyn yards are hela heia in the room some ot of the women who sew the flags together have worked tor for fifteen years machinery and electricity have done away with the necessity of sewing the flags by hand but the women who sew on stars are expert needle women A certain number of stitches Is allowed to one inch and only careful hands can do the work cutting out the white stars Is interesting to watch the foreman folds the cloth twenty times places a metal star on the pile anil and marks the pattern then thel L with chisel and mallet maile he cuts out a whole shower of stars at once the flags used by the navy have to endure frost and snow rain storms lind ind blazing suns and therefore great care is exercised in the choice of goods ani coloring and many testing devices are used before choice is made of cloth |