Show A RICH STRIKE the herald ind and tribune of yesterdays date both report a very rich find of gold bearl bearing ng ore at wood creek th this as side of monte christo about 20 miles from randolph and 7 72 12 miles from ogden ogden parties made the strike about three weeks apo ago but have kept it quiet while staking off claims and awaiting result of assays essays which show 55 gold to the ton and were made by price sons san sail francisco A company compan y all 0 ogden k den men has been formed and an ases assessment levied of ka 5 per share the officers ari am ralph pidcock D IV ellis A P D chambers jno reeve sr G IT 11 islaub E T morton dr E rich and F A shield the vein cropf out in it five places in the feet located the most astonishing thing about the vein bein bains its width 15 feet has already been uncovered and indications point to the vein being at least 60 feet wide the discovery II 11 ise ayery shaft was sunk in an old saw mill race on the california trail 1000 lbs ibs of ore has been shipped for a i mill test ogden is greatly excited over the find and numbers are leaving for the new klondike |