Show ROAD commissioners MEET rich co comm commissioners met with the commissioners ot of weber ind and cache cou counties counides niles at logan logaa on saturday last and the question of the amount due each of the three named counties and tile the roads upon which it would be expended was amicably settled rich countes coun tys share of the appropriation pria tion is 1000 weber and cache counties receive each rich county is to expend on a road to ogden and on a road to logan weber and cache counties will expend their share of the appropriation on their respective ends of the reads to rich county the cache bounty road will come through the right hand fork of logon logan canyon and the distance to laketown Lake town will be lessened by 8 or 10 miles and the grade will not be so steep the road to ogden will go through woodruff park to beaver creek and thence down ogden canyon it now rests with the governor to appoint commissioners it if this is done soon the roads can be made be fore winter sets in |