Show MINERS BECOME DESPERATE of affairs affair at t becoming Sor loos seattle wash sept 0 george II 11 kittinger manager ot of Million millionaire alro addicks klondike expedition arrived from the trail on the steamer queen in an interview lie he confirms the dark accounts sent out of the condition of affairs at camp Sk aguay miners are breaking down under tin the terrible strain caused by the hard bard ships they aliey are compelled to endure failures lures are numerous thieving and rime crime has increased to such a degree that on friday aug 27 the executive committee met and promulgated an order to the effect that the first man caught stealing would bo be hanged banged without even the formality of a trial or leave to say his prayers it is impossible to exaggerate the serious nature of the situation at the white pass disorganized and dis heartened the miners have lave failed to act in concert in the work of repairing the trail consequently little lias has leen been done the trail rail is now in worse shape than ever it is utterly impassable to a man without plenty of horses and even the best equipped parties make progress very slowly trouble is sure to como come in the miners camp they are being driven to desperation by bj failure and hardship hardi hip and a feeling of complete recklessness prevails mr kittinger returned to complete completa some business arrangements concern ing the expedition |