Show ATTEMPTED JAIL BREAK rich county came near being minus its prisoners last friday evening an attempt to escape being nearly successful ces cess ful the outer door of the jail is secured by iron bars which are in turn secured by two large iron padlocks one of these locks only was kept on during the daytime last friday evening soon after darkness set in and before the second lock was placed on the door the three prisoners who are held for burglary wrenched the iron bars off one of the cell doers rs and then started work on the jail door their attempts to pry it open were nearly successful about five minutes more time would have set them free deputy sheriff A mckinnon McKin noo jr who was in tile the court house close at hand heard the noise went down and took the bar from them placed all three in one cell which lie he secured and then placed the other oilier lock on door it was about 11 the following morning before they had any breakfast as the lock which was on in the outer door when the prisoners attempted to break it open had been so badly damaged by the severe strain to which it had been subjected that it had to be removed by a blacksmith all attempts to unlock it failing the prisoners have been in an ugly humour since their failure and their threats and language denote them to be a bad lot |