Show FOR SALE A thoroughbred 6 5 year old hereford bull J W Y myers evanston avo NOTICE TOE ROUNDUP ROUND UP is ia 1 per year cash in advance on time or in produce per year caveats and trad marka larks obtained and all rat pat eat business conducted for MODERATE fee CEES 0 OUR v A OFFICE is U US VO CE a and n d we ja can 40 secure patent la fe less chaa those remote from washington send model drawing or photo with description ve advise if i or not tree of charge our fee not nat due till alt patent is secured A PAMPHLET tk 11 how ot to obtain taip Pa at 11 with cost of lame in the U S and foreign countries sent iree free address Addres 3 MA SNOW aco aj OPP PATENT INGTON D c HEALTH REGAINED TUB THE WONDER OF 01 THE AOE grandest discovery in the annals of medicine guaranteed to cure more diseases than any other medicine treatment or system known to the medical profession fes sion no TIAN MAN made remedy but natures true panacea catuma is an antiseptic ferm germicide belde it positively destroys all I 1 microbes mic robes and germs of every kind name and nature it is healing and soothing to the mucious membrane it will permanently manent ly cure the majority of cases of bronchitis catarrh all stomach troubles all diseases of the bladder bowels kidneys kidneys liver constipation sti pation piles old sores rectal Dis diseases cages ulcers eczema scrofula blood poison rheumatism neuralgia Dis diseased cased discharges diseases peculiar to women nervous and physical weakness etc NO MATTER WHAT YOUR AILMENT or where you live write us a full history ot of your trouble and our consulting physician will advise you what to do in order to regain your health consultation is fia FREE LEE and sacredly confidential terms very low for proofs enclose 2 cent stamp local agents wanted everywhere no canvassing we advertise you in your home paper address with stamp TILE COMPANY P 0 box 25 chicago ul aal AA AL A ah A A aia A L 0 GET YOUR youn MONEYS WORTH SALT LAKE HERALD J biggest Sla aest brightest and best DAILY 1000 per annum or sac per month semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY only per year or tor for 6 months subscribe through local went agent or send direct to tite THE HERALD CO salt lake city utah o JOS H NEVILLE contractor contract or and BuIl builder I 1 derl WOODRUFF UTAH plans plana and specifications furnished J L ATKINSON 9 manufacturer and dealer in furnishing and building lumber siding T C flooring lath shingles Doors Windows and Moul dings office neat the mill EVANSTON wyo TH THE fe E UINTAH HOTEL evanston wyo tfx neat and comfortable rooms bood home cooking no on premises try the uintah when you are in evanston and louwill you will receive the best of treatment C lachapelle prop THE HOTEL MARX LELLMAN HACKMAN lessees lessels Les sees EVANSTON WYOMING SJEF kept strictly first claes commodious and nj homelike IIo melike headquarters for all traveling men the bar is supplied with the finest brands branda of liquors and cigars rates reasonable DR 0 W SHORES FAMILY REMEDIES dr G W shores complete catarrh cure care both local and internal positively cures cure catarrh asthma bronchitis hay fever or any complicated affection of the nose throat bronchial tubes or tunes full size trial size ise dr 0 W shores tonic and blood purifier cleanses and purifies the blood gl gives cs strenZ strength th and fizur cures and all nervous price SI 1 P per b bottle 0 atle dr a 0 W shorn kidney and liver cure cura cures all diseases of the kidneys liver and bladder pa price ce 1 per bottle dr uro U wS hores cough cure cures all colds and bronchial bronch tal affect affections ons one dose will stop me pas croup keep a bottle la a the house lare lame size b mettles bottles D dr rt 0 W shores mountain sage oil tops MOPS the wor ihorst s pain in one allnutt all nute for headache toothache neuralgia cramps or colic use it externally and in eternally ter nally prevents and cures diphtheria it used in time keep a hottle bottle handy price a hottle dr 0 W shores luge destroys del royl intestinal worms and removes the aittia round nest where here they hatch batch and bre breed it never falls price csc bottle dr 0 W shores salvo salv cure cum i all dis diseases eiles or of the skin removes red spots and black pimples from the face heals Heal sold old sores in 3 to 5 days price csc box or dr 0 W shore antl anti constipation pills cure core chronic constipation sick lick hes headache dache and bilious ft tt tacks acks price a bottle if your case cae Is complicated write dr G WS hores salt eur lake ke city wall lor for bis new symptom list anil and to att expert pe advice ire free these remedies prepared and guaranteed by th D dr r G W shores co salt sait lake city utah F fur 0 r gale sale and recommended by all and fie viers la or sent direct on receipt of price mckinson bros solo sole agents randolph S cpr v 11 ll 11 in BRO 07 01 TO THE F FRONT N T WE do not believe in leaders leader sand and consider it right that every article should sell itself we guarantee that a childs dime will get as many ounces and dollar pounds is as though trough pa or ma inta was wag there AND we further say that we will sell as much or more for the dollar than any other house in town butter eggs and grain taken in exchange WE are going to have special sales every week until further notice as follows monday five per cent off on the dollar in trade for dry goods wednesday boots and shoes friday hats caps and Noi notions ions we carry as large an all assortment as any house bouse in town and will give the highest price for produce IKE SMITH Is still in the field with a cboin choice ce stock stocal of lip groceries crockery boots shoes etc an examination of our stock will convince you that we sell bell the best article for the least money randolph utah COOK 0 0 0 11 ros BIOS 13 dealers in gal e n e r ai Mw earmel t boots shoes hats fiats hardware groceries etc we do not want to make any in grand display the superiority of our goods advertise them honest treatment to all GARDEN CARDEN CITY and WOODRUFF buy your goods of L C ca va in n 00 wn CO PO RUSTLE fx mc of everything el necessary to the farmers Fan ners comfort at it lowest living prices for the ever welcome SPOT CASH highest market price always paid for FARM PRODUCE jos irwin 1 manager 1 a nag e r mm TOWN mm TOS wa k ink an 1 I 1 arl ms hi g A ei manufacture and keep in stock a general assortment of lumber lath shing shingles es and pick pickets ets including choice fi finishing lisbino rustic T cr flooring beaded and V beilin ceiling 1 we make inake a specialty of Moul dings of which we carry a fd fall stock and large variety from 78 7 8 inch to 5 inch widths all kinds of scroll work and turning done to order newels porch posts and balusters Ba lusters kept in stock also aiso ranel panel doors of regular sizes any size made to order robert price proprietor TOSO IRMO ft I 1 u Is I 1 I 1 a nd SO so 0 N I 1 14 a 0 0 general dealers in dry 10 aas f gorf as our line of boots boot and shoes cannot be beat we respectfully invite examination of stock believing all CAB ca be satisfied tb that at it is for their interest to purchase ta e here bere jos robinson Eo binson maria manager er LARN s ye DT like laho TOWA to M M antl utah Ms ilk ft N M HODGES proprietor manufacturers of high patent T A am fht high patent N y golden colden sheaf U C I 1 U I 1 nta sheaf straight patent tatt raitt rT ITT az 10 graham raham family pride FL A ili OU U U RA 8 i a germade made and mill foods feeds of all kinds |