Show colonization there Is every reason to believe that the crawford estate across the river will be colonized this summer A company has been formed in evanston with the object of colonizing this and other desirable lands adjacent to that town mr frank who so successfully colonized north dakota has been engaged as emigration agent by the company and will no doubt be as successful here as he was in dakota the editor ot of this paper accompanied by mr james dunn of provo visited the crawford property the fore part of this week mr dunn visited the place with the object of buying a piece of the land it if upon examination he was satisfied with it he was much pleased with it and its excellent system of canals and said he would buy acres of it providing the terms were suitable the crawford estate comprises some of the very best land in rich eich county the soil is remarkably fertile the land being so well sheltered by the east hills is warm and its crops more advanced than in any other part of this valley A considerable portion Is 13 under excellent fence and the estate has been largely planted with lucern is looking well the native grasses are luxuriant and very nutritious the water right is prior to any other taken from the bear river and the system of irrigating canals and ditches is perfect there is enough people without land in utah and bear lake valley idaho to take up the whole of the crawford land and the majority of them will no doubt gladly avail themselves of the opportunity it if the terms are such as they can accept we understand that the proposition is to divide the land into 40 acre tracts and let each settler purchase one or more of such tracts the purchase price ranging from 10 per acre down according to locality and quality of land one fourth of purchase money to be paid down and the balance in installments instalments to cover ten years we shall probably hear more about this matter shortly |