Show INDIAN SERVICE the specifications for furnishing Clot clothing hInt supplies to bo be canceled washington june IS 15 the specifications for furnishing clothing supplies to the entire indian service have been finally cancelled and new bids will bt be called tor for by commissioner of indian affairs Affair jones to be opened in nevi nen york on july 15 or 17 the savesti investigation gation of the way in which the old specifications were fra framed ined by which one of the bidders it is alleged would have secured tho the contract through useless technical requirements has almost been concluded collusion of certain employed emp loyes has been charged I 1 and it is possible that several removals may result in the indian bureau the examination made by commissioner jones has been very careful and thorough and he has practically succeeded in tracing the tha responsibility for the condition of affairs to several em aloyes the result of the invests in investigation vesti aaion will be b reported in full to secretary bliss the present specifications are broad and liberal the idea being to secure clothing goods of the best allaround all around utility without being restricted to peculiar brands and descriptions such as were asked for in the former cau for bids |