Show THE COMPANY ORGANIZED work of colonizing uinta data county countr to bo be rushed pushed as rapley as possible news register the alie organization of the wyoming utah land and irrigation company has been completed anil and articles of incorporation will bo be filed immediately in both wyoming and utah alio company has been formed for the purpose of colonizing uinta county and its efforts will undoubtedly result in doubling the population of evanston within the next two years frank Swick hard bard who has been engaged by the company as aa erni emigration gradon agent arrived la in town last sunday night monday and tuesday nights meetings were held and at tho the latter meeting J E cashin was wag elected president william lauder vice president charles stone treasurer and J E chapman secretary the board ot ol trustees consists of the officers and wm win hinton evanston will be headquarters for the company but an agent will bo be appointed at randolph utah in order to comply with the law bearing upon upon incorporated companies there are ara thousands of acres of uncultivated land adjacent to E vanston evanston and this the company proposes to a colonize it is all undo unde ditch and as fertile as can be found all owners of such desiring to dis ds pise of it should list it with secretary Secre lary chapman extensive advertising will bo be indulged in n and nothing left undone to insure the ho success of the project twenty thousand housand pamphlets descriptive of uinta county will bo be distributed amon among 0 eastern farmers and all information d desired will be imparted mr Swick hard will work in iowa nebraska indiana and other eastern states lie ile carries with him a and phonograph anzi and gives free entertainments in country school houses and other places ile he has been very successful in colonizing north dakota and is emphatic in the assertion that uinta county is the best proposition that can be placed before eastern farmers and others desiring to emigrate he left for the east cast thursday rooming morning taking with him copies of the special edition of the news register thee ho he will make good ws ot of the work of the company will be pushed as rapidly as possible and ere many months have passed the population of uinta county will wid be materially increased the crawford estate and other laws lanis in rich county are included in the foregoing colonization scheme editor tur THE ROUND ur up |