Show JUBILEE NOTES hon win J bryan will certainly attend it is almast a certainty that president mckinley will come many member of pres mckinless McKin leys cabinet have promised to be here the pioneer monument and stature ot of brigham young will be unveiled the governors of the western state elates 13 and their staffs are almost certain to be present the commission Com has come to the conclusion that not less than pioneers of 1847 will bo be in attendance at the jubilee persons having costumes of foreign nations or flags of the same aro are requested to communicate with miss cora hooper chairman of the committee on designs only twenty three of the original band of pioneers have reported to the commission to date Itis it is believed that the survivors aill not exceed twenty five hon 0 W powers and john clark visited cited the construction department last friday they wore were surprised at the extent of oe the work going on ana with the beauty of the floats under construction twenty seven young ladies will present the souvenir badges to the pioneers at tile the reception to be given them in the tabernacle on juno june and it is the desire of 0 the commission commie sion that the young ladies represent the slate one from oath county this desire will bo be officially made known to the respective county commissioners by chairman clawson immediately it is estimated that at least juvenile members of the deseret sunday school union will participate in the jubilee paraje parade on july and a teacher will be in chaice of every twenty children the girls will ba b dressed in white and tile tha bova la in black and white the children will disband at the tabernacle and will join prof chorus ol of 1000 voices in the ol of national airs tho the youngest child will crown the oldest pioneer president mckinley mckenley and party are expected to be present on this occasion and will mill occupy seats in the gallera with other distin visitors |