Show fay your debts soe see change in spencer bros adv una this week hurry up with that dollar only a dollar frank snowball went to E vanston evanston wednesday 95 cents paid for county warrants at mckinnon bros frost last night nipped potatoes and tender vegetables old newspapers for sale at this office 25 cents per hundred the rains on an tuesday night cooled tile the weather considerably jno mckinnon and aco A peart jr have gone sheep shearing the past east mountains were covers coterel I 1 with a light fall of snow Wednes wednesday dav morning laketown Lake towa town correspondence reached I 1 tins tilts office too late for publication list last week robert and samuel mckinnon left tuesday on a prospecting trip across the river bishop baxter and wife were opre in from woodruff tho the fore fora part of tho the vi week eck visiting relatives C E anderson and J R south left for their mining property at alkali creek thursday samuel mckinnon returned home last saturday from the agricultural college at logan william and william gunn left on tuesday tor their mining property across the river talk la Is revived of the extension of the chicago north western railroad from casper wyo to the coast see cheap rates made by the 0 S L R B R for the pioneer jubilee at salt lake city in another column if you have land for sale advertise the fact so that people outside the county who are looking tor for hornes homes may know A change has hag been cebo made in the district conference notice in this issue we call the attention ot of our readers to it reports from the mormon colonies in old mexico indicate an unusually largo large fruit and cereal crop deming headlight diases octavia and della delia cheney 11 have ave re returned hom logan where they spent the winter to laketown Lake town home we have received from ilon hon J L rawlins copies of liis his speeches on the tariff june juna ath anil and ath and thank him for the same mr jno and cami family ay iy have returned to their lak town home from logan where the children have been attending school an election of school trustees will be held on the of next month three trustees are to he elected one lor jor three ye years art and two for two years yearb our rate for publishing notices is 13 for horses and for cattle be bonest with the lie owners of estraya by publishing descriptions oi of such animals A small bo boy T came to this office office tuesday and said his pa wanted his bis paper stripped this is hardly tile the dav to do business and we wa cannot act on such an order mrs cli carolina rolina of laketown Lake town has been suffering with a lame baik caused by a wrench which necessitated the use of crutches to enable hor to get about she is progressing nicely the ever genial james dunn an old time provo friend was a pleasant and welcome visitor to our sanctum while in randolph Randol nh james is hustling business for the tha co of ogden elder george goddard and others of tile tho general board will make a trip through gh the tha south end of the stake commencing with st charles at the close of the sunday school conference next month our laketown Lake town correspondent said last week people are ara coining in from hyrum cache county counte and ether places to inhale our oar pure mountain air and enjoy themselves ves on our beautiful lake inke specially especially its fish now the cruel war is over I 1 ara am prepare I 1 to loan money in ill any amount tor for long time and on eney payments those wanting mr niney nev on improved faun aim property cannot do 10 lo better than write me R S spence montpelier ida zone beeman representing the evanston implement co and beeman cashin mer co of evanston was aas in town this week hustling business bu giness the joly jolly zeno reports business looking better than ter lor some time past attorney james IT wallis anticipates attending tile the Besil ons of the district Di DL tritt court and will promptly attend to all probate civil and criminal businessmen business entrusted to ills B care address caro care of THE ROUND UP or paris idaho subscriptions continue to come in slowly we ask our patrons to pay up just as soon as they possibly can as e need the money we will continue for a while louger to regard all who pay as prepaid subscribers bring along your dollar dahar if you are sick flick or in pain from froin any of the following cramp choi i e satarrah Ca tarrah toothache headache earache face ache rheumatics neuralgia or any other ailment get a bottle of 0 pain pai paint ut from E T pope pop randolph price 25 50 cents and 81 per bottle t the pioneer monument upon which work is now being so vig vigorously prose buted day ana night will be complete I and ready for dedication not later than july 20 tile matter of having some public ce ceremony remOn ii I 1 connection with ith the tbt laying of the corner stone 14 now under und l consideration newe new |