Show A YOUNG HEROINE the h saved hor her Bro brother thors life at cost of at ifer own she lived in placer county california not tar far from where the pretty town of albuin now stands for or it happened many years ago in the early GOs COs and I 1 suppose that few now residing thoro there have any recollections of 0 the affair says the san francisco call the family consisting of her father a miner her mother and a little brother dwelt in a small shanty erected under tinder cover of 0 a convenient ledge tho shanty was a miserable structure of 0 two rooms but it held what many a grander dwelling tailed failed to contain a loving household the mother lay sich with the fever and carmen then a girl of 0 12 performed the drudgery ot of the house her little brother a curly headed romp of 5 was caimens Car mens great responsibility the father was away from early morning until late at night at ills his work and so the little hands of 0 12 found plenty to do in common with wit the custom of miners the father kepi kepf a store ot of giant powder in the house which la in the present case was contained in a sack placed in an old bos that stood by the toot foot of 0 the bed where lay the sick mother the upper part ot of the shanty under the sloping board roof was utilized as a storage place for old dunnage and rubbish ono night the father was absent in the mine on night work by some means the shanty took fire probably from the cracked and detective defective chimney carmen awoke to find that the root roof was afire and sharks dropping down springing up she loudly cried tb awaken her mother and tommy but the little boy became frightened and hid his head beneath the covers of his bed carmen sprung to lift him from his bod bed when she saw the shower of sparks tailing falling upon the powder box recognizing the awful danger she attempted to leave the child for tile the moment and carry out the powder but in ili her excitement she caught her toot foot in the overhanging bedclothes and fell to the floor breaking her thigh bone unable to rise the brave girl crawled to the box of powder and drawing hersell herself up covered the box with her body the mother had by this time succeeded in getting out of bed and outside the now furiously burning shanty and managed to take with nith her the little boy the cries of carmen oh take tommy out wont you turned tor for a time the mothers thought from her daugh daughters danger the fire had aroused somo some of 0 the neighbors who speedily ran to the burning shanty and lent what aid they could carmen was discovered and rs ra moved her rescuers found her almost hidden beneath a mass of 0 burning cinders her back frightfully burned tender hands bore her to a neighboring shanty where all that could be dont don t to 0 alleviate her suffering was eagerly bestowed but human aid came toe toc late the brave little spirit lingered until the following day and then departed for a brighter land it was no known until after she recovered con ness a short time before she died that she had broken her leg her last words were kiss me tommy dear ive saved you and im so happy |