Show MINING MING N cotest OTIES r the onyx bodies in tho the vicinity t hartville ville wyo are h a tible of the of the lus quality ony t I 1 is u the miners of bingham ire are ra rapid I 1 co coming ming to the conclusion that the bo thing to do is to sh shut u t down 1 and in lock up camp for a while the bunker nill and Sulli sullivan vart tl 11 at wardner Ward nor idaho have recent recent ly purchased aed twenty claims and ate are to p tem plating driving a tunnel three th 1 miles the hills beg isial at the kellogg A large body of sulphur in the can mine colorado was set on f a a miner dropping a candle and tf 41 1 amri ous fire was waa soon boon in progress g 1 I 1 was soon esp spreading reading to the mai kt onilA chiney the two mines are gold dubers and are arc among the most moat va hie ble in gunnison county the bullion beck at the meeting at its board of directors passed its ita diri ii 1 bend ul although though it is understood that th the company has a nice balance in the a treasury on which it may rely for or the ali exploration of new ground the cheyenne northern will coni COM mence work within a few days and construct a from spur badger to tin the mines a distance of fifteen miles balles there aro are several concerns that will be bein begin I 1 in development work on their mines nt at hartville ville wyo K as soon boon as the spur is completed ore hauling has been commenced from the iron iron mines at NV 70 railroad at badger One onelius bull dred and fifty tons per hauled and this will wili be Iner increased eased ina in short time to tons the ore is in great demand at the denver and ana ru pu eblo smelters shelters sm elters where itis it is used lor fluxing flexing purposes the auriferous merits of deep creek have a again ain been attested by the die M co veries veries of W william A II awley Is prosecution prose cutin work there them the samples amples ti put on exhibition show free gold deep creek is experiencing experienc in a revival and with an outlet would hi he t a wonderful producer at no time bai there been so much systematic work done the mercur has posted its usual dill bend in the sum of the payment of this amount will increase tb ali total paid to date to and biot m the present year to Itis it is said that at no time have the ore bodies been lar larger er values any better nor the conage of the mills as large al present the output is averaging about tons per day and it is claimed this amount could be easily doubled the rumor that the silver kin rini would pass its dividend has been contradicted by one of the p principal kofl cers of the company and that stockholders will pocket their usual remit tanco tance is assured the inana gement having made a contract before the ad vance in smelting smelling sm elting charges and befort before the cost of giant powder was increased the output from the silver king Is unaffected and the flow of wealth goes goci one hundred tons of first class ore from the daly west is being delivered deli weil to the sam sampler but it is not known yet where it will be shipped to mr daly hopes and believes that he will ill soon be in a position to put the met recently laid off back to work if th the daly west can market its ore on the tame same terms that it did last winter I 1 large force of meu men will vill be put to work and the mine will ill be operated on A large scale it is un understood that the chances of tha daly west making 6 favorable contract aro are fair there are ar about fifteen men now employed at the mine mine r there is much activity in mining minin circles in cache co utah and great hopes are entertained of the result of jj the summers work in the blacksmith j fork and high creek districts lathe in the left land hand fork of blacksmith fork canyon work is being prosecuted on the bluebell queen of the hills and adea t mines not assessment work but actual development work on oil an immense body of copper ore aver aging 25 per cent in copper and whose those showing of tin precious metals pa par silver is in ia rich ness as depth is attained the eyes of ol 01 several large michi mi nhi syndicates are M turned in this direction a and ad results result are expected shortly niels Y clansen of logan hii hal thrilling experience a few days ago while examining the abandoned workings in of an old mine in blacksmith IW canyon two tunnels enter cuter the hiu bill one sixty feet above the other 11 tva or the vein was tapped a shaft CO them m this ho he failed to see until DO seeped bcd into it as he be shot downward when en at full length his hands caine earner ill 3 contact with a board donti ally been left across one cue side of the hole and as it was edgewise heined his weight and lie he was as able to reach a place of safety tile nervous that be shook shock however was so great crawled the length of the tunnel on his hands and knees although lie he kne there was no other shaft or on tile the wy way out had he been killed the search for him would probably have been 3 iong one as ho he was alone and no OB 00 knew of his intention to visit the old mine |