Show tho the money has been raised for tho the great meldrum tunnel iron fron ironton to telluride and work was scheduled to start june 1 A committee ot of german protectionist has addres addressed ed a communication to the foreign office complaining of american competition and asking ashing for a heavy import duty on american cycles on the ground that if such a duty is not im posed 2000 men employed in gorman german cycle factories will be thrown out of work owing to the extraordinary cheapness of american wheels the new york herald ila has started a fund for mark twain the celebrated american humorist opening the list with a subscription of 1000 mark is in london where he is engaged on a new anew book prof E bemis who it lins has been alleged was forced from the chicago uni university because of his utterances against corpo corporate rate wealth was elected by the board of trustees of the kansas state agricultural college to deliver courses of lectures on economics |