Show professional cards R S SPENCE AT MW LAW montpelier LIER IDAHO dr E lee 0 aw Is prepared to do nil all kinds ol of dental work crown and bridge work a specialty tooth tenth extracted without pain WOODRUFF UTAH JAS H WALLIS ATTORN Fly and counsellor at la w will practice in allurah all utah and idaho courts prompt attention given to correspondence PARIS IDAHO M hotel CZ JOHN SNOWBALL S prop first class accomma accommodation bation for transient and other guests hay grain and stabling in cc connection terms reasonable arch mckinnon jr MERU GENERAL blacksmith AW now is the the time to get your repairing done bring along your wagons and farm machinery horse shoeing inga a specialty first come first served RANDOLPH UTAH Toss onal M artist haircutting hair cutting shaving and shampoo ing in latest style RANDOLPH UTAH THE KEARL HOUSE lake town utah guests duesty care and comfort guaranteed good stabling in connection close to the beautiful bear lake mrs ANN KEARL prop L L mckinnon harness and saddle saddie maker fw repairing done on short notice nothing but beet material used in our work vork randolph utah THE T HOUSE randolph utah ZW oldest and best hotel in town rates reasonable hays hay grain and stabling in connection careful attention to guests MRS 8 TYSON prop geo webb carpenter builder and contractor our work guaranteed to be atell ell and promptly done RANDOLPH UTAH STAGE LINE evanston wyo randolph and lakato wn utah titan dally daily except sunday leave evanston at 1 p in is the route to the railroad A LU hale manager BIDS WANTED for finishing the interior of the upper story of tile the new school house at woodruff for further particulars apply to school board sealed bids to be in on or before thursday the ath day of july 1897 at I 1 p m the Tru trustees steeg reserve the right to reject any or all bids dated at woodruff rich county utah this day of june 1897 bynon SESSIONS 1 P C CORNIA trustees CYRIL TRUSTEES SALE NOTICE edward A swenson and stonewall J cy both unmarried by their certain deed of trust dated the first day of 0 july A D and recorded in book 0 at page ot of tho the records ol of deeds and in in tho the county ot of rich territory now state 0 ot utah convoyed conveyed to james 11 II bacon as aa trustee the following described roal real property situated in tho the county ot 1 rich BY and t then h pra territory ot of utah to wit the east naif half olp of 0 the south west wes t quarter C 4 the south east juar quarter e of 0 t the a north rt west est bartor and the S south th M west est quo quarter tr yi ot of t tho north fast enat quarter ot of section twenty c y live vo 25 tile the west halt half 1 I S 1 0 f tile the S south tl east ast quarter M tho the east bust I 1 half 1 a 1 f v LIS ot of the a south 0 uth west quarter and tho the south west quarter ot of the south west quarter IN M of 0 section thirty uvo five 35 iu in twelve kvelve 12 north in ran radiee go seven hoven 7 east of the salt lake Ifer meridian idian and all ll 11 water rights owned by said Sv yenson and or either of 0 them or belonging to or with or used upon said promises or any part thereof which said deed ot of trust was mado made to secure tho payment of a certain promissory note or bond bon in the sum slim of twenty five uvo hundred and seventy five 2575 dollars W with t h coupons at for tho the semiannual semi annual inte interest r est thereon th oroon and whereas said principal sum together with interest has hag long since become duo and batill remains unpaid now therefore 1 I tho the raid mild JAMES H BACON will at tho the request of tho the local legal holder of said said note and fc blowin it tho the power granted by and tho the terms of said dood dead ot of trust trout proceed to sell boll the above described real estate and said water gwawr rights with allup all appurtenances thero thereunto onto beloni belong ing ine at public to the and best beat bidder for cash at the west front door of the court house in tile the city of randolph county ot of rich state ot of utah on saturday the 3rd ard day of 0 july A D 1897 at the hour of 12 noon to satisfy the debt by said bald deed of 0 trust secured Becu rod and tho the costs and expenses of executing this his t trust jamrs H BACON trustee truster TRUSTEES s SALE BALE NOTICE william H lee and harriet A loo leo his wife by their certain deed dead ot of arnst dated tho the first day of july A D IMS and recorded in volume C at page age ot at coq of 0 tho the records ot of deeds lo in R rich T ch county in tho the territory now state of utah conveyed to james 11 bacon an aa trustee e t the follow following iu g described real property property pr perty situated i the county of 0 rich and then than territory orri tery of 0 uta utah to wit beginning nt at tho the north east corner of 0 tho the north quarter of 0 section twenty six 26 in township nino 9 north in ID range seven 7 kast fast of tho the salt lake Meri meridian dillu run thence tt 11 ono one 11 hundred and ton rods thence south three hundred and twenty CW M rods thence fast east ono hundred and ton rods thence north three hundred and twenty rods to tho the place of beginning containing two hundred anil and twenty 0 KM O acres tind and au all water rights owned by said acos or either of thorn them or belonging to or with or used upon sai said promises premises or any part thereof which said deed dead of 0 trust was made to secure sf curo the payment of a certain kroml nry note or boud bond in tho sum of seventeen hundred and fifty dollars with coupons attached tor for ta the a semiannual semi annual interest thereon i and whereas morass said principal sum to together gobor with interest coupon thereon lias has long tinco since become duo and still remains unpaid now therefore 1 I JAMES 11 BACON will at tho the request of the tho logal legal holder bolder of said note and nd coupon and following tile power and the terms of slid beed deed of trust proceed to sell tho the above described real estate and water rights w with 1 t oil all appurtenances thereto belonging at public b lic to tho th highest and bot bidder for cash at tho the west front door of the court house onse in the pity city of Randol randolph randolphl pil iu in the county 0 of rich in tile the state of utah on saturday tho the 3 ard 3rd d day ot of JulyA D 1597 1897 at the hour hoar of 0 12 noon to satisfy the debt by said deed of trust so secured and tho the costs coats anil and expenses of executing this trust JAMES H BACON tr too TRUSTEES SALE NOTICE daniel S marshall and rosetta H 11 marshall his wife by bv their certain deed dead of trust dated the first day of july A D MR and recorded in volume C at page ot at se sen of 0 tho the records of 0 deeds and mortgages in me rich county in the Torri territory tory now state of utah conveyed to james H bacon ri as trustee the following described real property arty situated in tile tho county ot of rich and gro then or v territory arr tory of 0 utah to q wit it lots lota ono one 1 two 2 and three 3 and the N north east quarter 0 of the north west quarter of section thirty 30 in township twelve 12 north in range eight 8 eastok the Salt Lako meridian together with ali all water rights owned by said 8 d marshalla marshalls Mar Marq halls or either of them or belonging ln ag yg to or with or used upon said eaid promises which ch said deed dead of trust was made to secure tho the payment of a certain promissory note or bonin bond in the sum 0 eleven hundred and seventy five 1175 dollars with coupons attached tor for tile semiannual semi annual interest thereon and whereas said principal sum together with ono one interest coupon thereon has long since become duo and still remains unpaid now therefore I 1 JAMES 11 BACON will at the request ot of tho the legal holder of said note and coupon and following the power and the terms of said deed of trust proceed to sell the above described real estate and said vator rights with all appurtenances thereto belonging at u alic vondue to the highest and best bidder po bublic tr r cash nt at the west front door ot of the court house in the city of randolph in tho the county of rich in abo state stain of 0 utah on saturday the 3rd ard day ot of july A D at tile tho hour bou r 0 of 12 lock noon boon to satisfy tho the debt by said deed carust 0 of trust secured and too the costs and expenses of executing this trust JAMES H BACOS BACON trustee TRUSTEES SALE NOTICE iteal daniel C cornio cornia and samantha jano r cornia orn a his wife by their certain deed of trust dated the first day of 0 december A D 1 10 and recorded in volume C of deeds and mortgages at pogo page et at boa in rich county in in tile the territory now state of utah convoyed conveyed to james 11 bacon as trustee the following described real property orty situated in tile tho county ot f rich and then proT territory orri tory ot of utah otah to wit the north east cast quarter of section twenty eight S 21 in township nine 9 north of range ranee seven 8 7 east of salt lake meridian together with any and all water rights owned by said corn roias ills or either cither of them or belonging to or with or used upon said pr promises or any part thereof which said deed d of trust was made to secure the payment y m e 0 c t a n certain t a tin pr promissory c i so note to or bonta bond in th the int su sum in of ceiri eight i hu hundred d and 2 ino seventy vent y five zm 75 dollars with coupons attached for or tile the semiannual semi annual interest thereon and whereas said principal sum has long since become duo and still remains unpaid now therefore 1 I JAMES H BACON will at the request of tile the legal holder of 0 saw said note and fol following loNing tho the power grunted granted by and tho the terms of said deed of 0 trust proceed to sell the above described real estate and tile water rights with all appurtenances thereto belonging at public to tho the highest and best bidder for cash at the west front door of the court house in the city of 0 randolph in tho the county of rich in the state of utah on saturday the 3rd ard day ot of july A D IW 1197 at tho the hour ot of 12 noon to satisfy tho the debt by said deed of trust secured and the costs and expenses ot of executing this trust JAMES 11 BACU BACON Z trustee TRUSTEES SALE NOTICE WHEREAS WH ERrAs conrad Vater lausa sr catherine Vator laus ilia his wife and conrad jr by their certain deed of trust dated the ferit day ot of july A D M and recorded in volume y C at page et ct bozof seq of tile the records of deeds in i n rich county in tho the territory lorri tory now state of utah coD Toyed to james H bacon as brusto Tru stoe 0 the tol lowine 1 I abing described real property situated to io tho the county ot of rich and then territory of utah U tah to wit T the he south west quarter of the south west quarter of section twenty three 23 in township 1 nine 9 north in range six 6 east of tho the salt lake meridian also all water rights owned by said parties of the first part or either of them or belonging belon Rine to or with or abed upon saia said promises or any part thereof winch which said deed ot of trust was wag made to secure the payment of a certain promis promissory sary note or bond in the sum bum of tour four hundred and seventy five t Dol dollars larg with coupons attached tor for the semiannual semi annual interest thereon and whereas said principal prin principal cital sum together with one interest coupon t oleon has long lona si binco ace become duo due and r till still remains unpaid now therefore Thero foro 1 I JAMES imms it BACON will at the request 0 of the legal holder of said noto note and coupon and following the power and terms of said deed of trust procco proceed agbor to sell the above described real estate and water right with all appurtenances thereto belonging at public I 1 appetta to a t the he baneg W hest and best bidder for or cash at tile the west front door ot of the court house in tile the city of randolph in the county of rich in the state of utah on saturday the 3rd ard day of july A D 1807 1897 at the hour of 12 noon to satisfy the debt by said deed of trust cecur secured d a and ad the costs and expenses of executing t this his ir trust s t JAMES 11 BACON trustee DESERT desent LAND LAN D F FINAL I 1 NAL PROOF notice tor for publication no united states land 0 falco I 1 salt lake city utah ut may 0 notice is if hereby riven given that ia AC SMITH S UTH of ot randolph rich eich county utah has filed notice of 0 intention to make proof on nil big desert land claim no tor for tho the N W M sec 1 tp 10 N B R I 1 E before the county CIA clerk of 0 rich kich counted county utah at randolph couett utah tah on friday the aa and 2nd day dav 0 of july 1897 ho if a names dames tho the following witnesses to provo prove the complete in igat ton and reclamation of said lands land archibald mckinnon Hc Kinnon jr robert mckinnon 1 J john 0 hn M and brown all ot of randolph utah G roo register first publication may NOTICE FOR publication no united states land office I 1 salt lake city utah vay may 7 ailing NOTICE is in hereby given eiven that the following named earned settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of 0 ho claim and that said proof will bo be made before tile tho county clerk clark of 0 rich county utah at randolph utah on june 21 1897 viz james kiddy dy H E no for tile S V N W y 4 N V S 9 W N 1 i sec 34 31 tp 10 N R 7 E ho he names tho the following loUo wine to prove big continuous residence asi dence upon and cultivation of said land r viz thomas evans eana thomas acht achton oil joshua ashton and william H simpson a all ll 11 0 of f wood rud rou rich co utah register Rp eitor first publication may 11 we have just opened up wibb witt a fine aire line of M MENS ENS HATS we have marked them away down for quick sale our J MILLER SI JOES are unequaled for wear try a pair and if they are not the best shoe you ever wore we will refund your money just ir iq A new lot of y Is LACE iti at prices from 05 65 cents to per pair i you can buy F FURNITURE U R N I 1 T U R E cheaper from Us than any other place i in the country me A T i feerrar Bee roar Cas casio casbar bir mer co evanston wyo headquarters for 32 X kimt ISm 2 hUu the the BOSS BOSS is A boss rf the I 1 the 00 coal BEST BEST the lightest 6 running simplest and most efficient washing machine ever made every one using them is delighted no nd home should be without one send for prices and description JN 7 I 1 L A FUL J DIC R are buyers of farm produce of every kind direct from the farmer bring OB your 1 am tf headquarters for arr nr ile B ail i this spring an entire new stock of clothing is put in at prices that will astonish the line of gents all wool suits a at t to in blacks and fancy cloths claths are actually as good as those formerly sold at 1200 to 1500 just arrived a carload car load of barb wire get our prices they are the lowest tl or hi ad our hr lir lim Is toli P 1 bows howers malkmes and Bin devro a 10 1 spring wagons buggies and bain old hickory Flick ory wagons in fact everything needed on a barmor aF armor ranch termo Terme and prices right grain taken in exchange US A CALL Evan I vanston stoa implement comeru |