Show TROUBLE PREPARED POR FOR of 0 R holdup hold up I 1 in wyoming rock kock springs wyo juno june IS 15 it la is thought that a daring robbery la 18 contemplated tem plated and the end 0 of preventing the success of such an undertaking the union pacific has carried IL a heavy beavy armed guard on all its trains ot of late the company became aware that it party thought to be 64 butch cassady and his gang bad located at ter evidently bent on mischief to the union pacific or to superintendent gridley of the sweetwater coal company who comes to rack springs on saturday to pay off the miners since the robbery of paymaster Ater carpenter in utah other companies have taken measures to protect their officials from a similar fate and when cassady and his gang located in the quiet little town of wamsutter Warn sutter suspicion was aroused and word sent up and down the line railroad as well as mine officials have taken the initiative and are prepared for an attack the visitors at wamsutter Warn sutter may be innocent of any evil designs but there presence there has haa caused the organization of reception committees and in case I 1 of an attack cassady will be b warmly received |