Show FOR SALE FOUR CITY LOTS N P christensen RANDOLPH NOTICE tho relief society will give a grand ball wednesday march 31 1897 fickeis 35 centa each all round CARD OF THANKS we wish to tender our sincere thanks to all our friends who in any way hel helped p us in our late sickness sick nesa CORNELIUS AND GAi nERINE EVANS our rate for publishing notices is for horses and for cattle be bonest with the owners of estraya by publishing descriptions of such animals lowthe now the cruel war is over I 1 am prepare I 1 to loan money in any amount tor for long time and on easy payments those wanting money on improved farm property cannot do beter than write me R S spence montpelier ida attorney jaines IT 11 wallis anticipates attending the sessions of the district court and will promptly attend to all probate civil and criminal business entrusted to his care address care of tue THE ROUNDUP ROUND UP uj or paris idaho FOR SALE 40 acres of farm land with full water right from the upper ditch randolph also a prior water right from big and little creeks at randolph sufficient for 20 acres of land henry bluemel randolph RANDOLPH HOTEL JOHN SNOWBALL prop feed and stabling in connection connect iou JOS H NEVILLE U contractor rr traCtor and builder 1 idor 1 WOODRUFF UTAH plans dang and specifications furnished ED SOUTH tonsorial ToD Tomor lal M artist haircutting hair cutting shaving and shampoo ing in latest style RANDOLPH UTAH THE KEARL HOUSE lake town utah guests care and comfort guaranteed good stabling in connection jp Close to the beautiful bear lake mrs ANN KEARL prop A arch reh mckinnon EVic Kinnon jr GENERAL faa enow now is the the time to get your repairing done bring along your wagons and farm machinery horseshoe shoeing inga a specialty first come first served RANDOLPH UTAH T the woodruff dramatic association will appear at randolph on friday april 2 1896 in the LAUGHABLE COMEDY oi a ha so clow aj hypo I 1 j ri y CAST josiah perkins Per kios brusque and fickle E lee thomas hart A young lawyer in love with edna sidney pusey fusey richard roland supposedly wealthy but a schemer J al henderson harry sharp A detective pierced with cupids cupida dart thos ashton joe A mischievous mib chievous newsboy stewart lee mike Jo siahs valet J C lee jeff man of all work J D bryson priscilla llla brown affections centered in josiah mrs J M baxter edna in love with mr hart miss A 11 neville birdie an angel that flirts miss eva cameron mrs black A childless widow mrs thos ashton on saturday april 3rd ard the woodruff dramatic association will present at randolph THE GREAT DRAMA 1 pi M gr P I 1 r E ea N aj M E gal P aji 1 or the witcha secret CAST mrs mansfield leading lady mrs J M baxter imogene spirit ot of the departed annie M neville mother munday the witch wit chot of dismal hollow mrs A II 11 dickson susie mrs mansfields maid miss eva cameron snooks newsboy stewart fc lee charley charles mansfield leading gentleman A IL 11 dickson D dr harris the victim ot of a conspiracy B C walton deacon austin mrs mansfields uncle J D bryson james reed an attorney E elee lee dennis obrian lan mansfields valet J C lee comic singing and instrumental music between acts ADMISSION 25 CENTS RESERVED SEATS 35 CENTS doors oper 7 p rr IT curtain up at 8 J SNOWBALL NOTARY publia office at the randolph hotel R S AT LAW montpelier LIEB IDAHO dr E lee Is prepared to do all kinds of dental work crown and bridgework baldee work a specialty teeth extracted WITHOUT PAIN WOODRUFF UTAH JAS H WALLIS amm and counsellor at L la aw w will practice in all utah and idaho coulta conits prompt attention given to correspondence correspond ou e PARIS IDAHO THE art frt TYSON HOUSE randolph utah fv CS oldest and best hotel in town rates reasonable hay grain and stabling in connection careful attention to guests MRS S TYSON prop J L ATKINSON 9 manufacturer and dealer in furnishing and building lumber siding T G C flooring lath shingles doors windows and Moul dings office ineat the mill EVANSTON wyo L L mckinnon harness and saddle maker laker iV aff fj repairing done on short notice nothing but best beet material used in our work randolph utah THE UINTAH hi HOTEL evanston wyo neat and comfortable rooms good home cooking no on premises try the uintah when you are in evanston and you will receive the beat ol of treatment C lachapelle prop THE HOTEL MARX LELLMAN HAC HACKMAN M lessees lessels Les sees EVANSTON WYOMING AW kept strictly first class commodious and homelike headquarters for all traveling men the bar is supplied with the finest brands of liquors and cigars rates reasonable STAGE LINE evanston wyo randolph and laketown Lake town utah dally daily except sunday leave evanston at 1 p in m fw this Is the route to the railroad A lu hale manager geo ge webb carpenter builder and contractor our work guaranteed to lie well and promptly done RANDOLPH UTAH CE C E ANDERSON general repair lepai r shop fa nearly all kinds of repairing done it at prices to suit the times all kinds of f sewing machines repaired adjusted ind and supplied clocks cleaned saws lied filed locks and keys fitted and re paired aired jewelery and fur liture repaired etc etc give me a call razors tabors ta ors scissors and all edged tools sharpened RANDOLPH UTA UTAH TT SPENCER S a dealers in in general merchandise ate avin ROO bapat t DRUGS AND MEDICINE 82 paints oils and glass and A nd everything used on a ranch our goods are as aa good goodla as the best and our prices the lowest we pay the highest price for produce special attention given to mail orders mima y IKE SMITH Is still in the field with D choice j stock stocal of j i groceries crockery boots shoes etc an examination of our stock will convince convince you that sell the best article tor for the least money randolph utah BP OS dealers in 61 uj t in V r n I 1 I 1 head oh i 44 0 e j boots shoes hats fiats hardware I liar dWare groceries etc we do not want to make any grand display the superiority of our goods advertise them thein honest treatment to all GARDEN CARDEN CITY and WOODRUFF buy your goods of lakleta wl town 01 buffe RU S T L E of everything necessary to the farmers comfort at it Los lowest vest ii living prices for the ever lV welcome elcome j SPOT CASH highest market arket IVI price always paid for fo I 1 FARM PRODUCE ia 41 jos irwin Mana manager LIEN iks WOT TOWN ra 1 1 ris sn blin OLD X manufacture and keep in stock a general assortment of lume lumber lath shingles and pickets inc including ludin Z choice Finish finishing ilic rustic T gr flooring beaded and V ceila ceiling we make a specialty of Moul dings dins of which we carry a stock and large variety from 78 7 8 inch to 6 inch 1 widths edth all kinds of scroll work and turning done to order nefew i porch posts and balusters Ba lusters kept in stock also ria ranel 0 doors of re regular ular sizes any size made to order robert price proprietor PM ge W general dealers in 9 wr swat bafs 0 tny 1 our line of boots and shoes cannot be beat we respectfully invite examination of stock believing 3 all CO ca be satisfied that it is for their interest to purchase here bere jos robinson managed Mana gei baks VAS tong rih A N k j I 1 N M HODGES proprietor manufacturers of 0 patent sh eaf FANCY AR N C y bafs uinta high pait of patent 6 1 ina pride p FLOURS W germade and mill feeds of all kinds CARD OF THANKS I 1 wish to thank the people of randolph tor for the many acts of kindness shown me during my recent illness CHRIS EPPICK randolph Randolp ti utah march at 24 1897 |