Show TO SLEEP WELL A light supper jurt jot nir 1 usually A light supper just before retiring usually of advantage babies 1 brute animals are abo usually bomil somnolent when their stomachs are well with rood food the activity of tho the gloin withdrawing withdraw ine the tha excess 0 of blood bloda froin act the brain here it la Is not nee needed ing sleep says the medical del Ile deiller deIl flu ord lur on oil tho other band people w who ho r very hungry usually find it difficult iteen and then a habit ot of SI sleep at r regular c g i time and during autin ro a out lair proper er houri our s should h be cultivated in case this is hayi it has been lost in accod accomplishing ile in 1 hii the attainment of 0 a favors tavo rabla le s asiata I 0 mind Is ia ot of groat great importance ai of cannot pe be enforced by a direct axele ot of the will the very effort ot of the will to afon orn mand and sloop Is enough to render its at tain ment nugatory the mental state to bo be encouraged Is one ot of quIe Seene 4 one ot or indifference a that one a that feeling tile this recumbent posture la is a proper one tor for rest and that it if the thoughts are dl 11 ll posed to continue active they may be 1 safely allowed to take their bour cotrit without any effort toward control ill hit state stale of 0 mind and thought is next likin ala to dreams and dreaming Is fr next aug to sound sleep many mental methods have been sd ad t and put la in practice tor for the I 1 par or pose of securing scouring sleep the d design 03 I 1 b t f ing to turn the thoughts fro in objects of interest to a condition ot of monotony as by mentally repeating well kemem bared phrases or sentences or by counting r but the state 0 of indifference it t this S can cali be obtained in ita likely to be the hs most efficient as being the least active the mere mention ot of th these ese simple methods will bs be sunlit fl to suggest others equally effect lya lye |