Show the dogs mado made too much binch nolle noise col burr of virginia was a mighty fox hunter and loved the sport beyond words he owned a fins fine pack 0 of f hounds and during the season thought ol of nothing but his hunters his dogs lind and the weather he was once entertaining an old army friend from texas whose ideas ot of hunting bunting any animal involved the use of 0 firearms and who had never seen a foxhound he had been with difficulty persuaded to go forth one morning with the colonel and some friends to a meet and they were waiting impatiently for the hounds bounds to taker take the scent presently there burst upon their listening ears the din of thirty canine voices in fun cry the colonels eyes gleamed and as lie he settled his feet in the stirrups an and d stretched his arm toward the yelping pack he cried major listen to that heavenly music the major pricked up his ears for a second 0 or r two and then replied 1 I cant hear a thing those dogs are making such a noise the colonel put hla his ap spur ur savagely into his horses side and dashed away leaving his guest to his own devices |