Show A dogs doe glass gla eye john wimmer an indianapolis copti ian owns a full blooded pug dog kennel bred 9 years old tat fat and asthmatic with a pedigree dating back to the past century which he be claims to lo be the only dog in the country wearing a glass eye twelve months ago his eye was torn out by another dog and after the wound had healed wimmer adjusted a glass eye to the cavity both eyes are now of the same shade and expression the dog known as suffers the eye to be taken out for cleansing purposes but he is never naver contented until it is replaced and he raises old ned it if there is an attempt to lo deprive him of it even for or one night has a number of accomplishments among which is that ot of smoking a pipe when given a pipe he assumes six different attitudes representing a young smoker beginning in a high state ind ending in utter dejection and a braken pipe |