Show coal mine worked by one man the Tha smallest coal mine in the world Is in the southern province of new zealand where according to the reports of the inspect inspectors ois of 0 mines for the colony the murray creek colliery is worked by one man T Do bolitho litho a chinaman who owns manages and works this small but to him valuable coal mine there is another small call colliery iery in the same province worked by one man with the assistance of a donkey the next smallest colliery is in england in the tha village ot of nelson in lancashire it is situated near the colliers arms and affords employment tor for two miners father and son eon who combine in themselves the p positions 0 sitione of 0 proprietors managers miners and haulers ot of the undertaking they have the assistance ot of a donkey and all the output ot of the mine Is sold to the householders who live in the village or its immediate vicinity |