Show r use hewlett bros clial grade c 0 baking powder tur THE eurest AND crofit 0 o tl a ar alvil 47 are bent BEST MADE they are ground every day conr gooda of tills ali mad brand guaranteed ali rac crown tralle 1 EQUAL TO thi THE BEST Fx extracts tracts Delf elous on the he it are 41 1 10 4 MONEY E TRY TRY THEM mom ehas E I 1 fia s morris ana sons kompany Gom pany 1 MONUMENTS and headstones f ewh IN J marble and granite G 71 all 4 mantles grates G rates etc crl I 1 fri OPPOSITE TUB i Lake City salt aalt TEMPLE WRITE FOR FORI PRICES AND DESIGNS important notice to Travel lac public bublic effective february irth the rio grande western ry will on application endorse its commercial mileage books good for passage over the lines of 0 the he denver rio grande R R colorado midland mid land R ario grande south ern ry florence cripple creek ry and midland terminal ry th thus giving holders of R G W milage the privilege of taking the colorado trip without requiring purchase of 0 additional mileage over the different roads in that state call on any agent of the R G W for particulars F A WADLEIGH general passenger agent iritz hz geral d co mil I 1 LIU I 1 V i rent lowy lawyers ers PATENTS IT I 1 and aal of I 1 VB M I 1 a I 1 iBi LilU WaP a t 0 n ha havo ve 0 opened branch aftic e i n 0 ra cablk blk ad south st salt lake they bavo had nn im office in washington tor for 2 15 5 yea coara rs and can refer to clients in aery overy state in the union their motto motta la Is no ho patent no pay A book ot of 40 pages paces full of valuable information tor for inventors furnished free correspondence solicited ano alto pensions Pen siong and land claims stat TOR ST SA SALT LT LAKE CRUTA ul rna ik hr dr ur A Z uj d din dis iRien ordIL 0 tan rs experience act sook eok 1 trea only men ivien f 0 B box ic NEB ilk DR G W SHORES the oldest specialist in the ivet SOT T CP adz ng E D WILLAR DOLLAR NEED EED 16 BE PAID UTIL YOU A R E 16 U DR G IV SHORES always to help suffering mankind always trying to convince people that he gives value received ce ved for ever every y doll dollar lr paid him has 1143 decided to ribe quackery fraud and imposition p position its death blow and protect the tha suffering classes from tho the methods of quacks and charlatans every sutter ir from ram loeft I 1 ZIA MANHOOD armp Wei knees V le syphilis gonorrhoea stricture small or shrunken kea organs premature old liza aea and all other private diseases aisea aes vr hether e caused a u sed by ignoc ignorance an ce excess or eonta conta ir arton 0 n no matter how severe you coa can consult DR G W SHORES the tha 1 ysl clan who has civel his life to curing chronlos disease and be examined advised treated and birri without paying him one dollar until the cure Is 19 effect effected eL irhe doctor reserves the richt ale ht however to refuse any incurable cs case if ho ha cant cure you he dont want your labney f ioney such an offer was never before made by a responsible and dr G W shores la is only able abla to ti make it because he positively curee curea these diseases dont waste another cent on questionable doctors but consult the old doctor and be cured BUSINESS SACREDLY COX CON dr G W SHORES W WRIT RITE lock bo BON 1585 salt lake city utah GRAND OPERA HOUSE J B H HOrl horlas lS mar week of marel march 22 CARMEN ce CG WONDERFUL SCENIC L A PERFECT CAST and a perfect production in every every detail 1 I 1 PRICES latinee saturday ST sr MARYS SALT LAKE CITY established asli under direct direction iou of 0 the S estors of the holy cross one of the most moat prominent educational r 1 of the west ivest young ladies prepared teane to any sphere of life to which they may bo calleri cal lerl thorough of letters ra sel science erice and art music io in all iu brun bran obes as t ano t in tho the best classical classi oal conser conier va tories of europe i SEND FOR CATALOGUE address sister superior live lave stock commission it if you would keep posted write for f or fromet replies quick qu ek returns E D A SE BEAKS ARS NIC CORNICK BLOCK SALT LRE LAKE CITY I 1 jeweler nit Optic inal e ALEX I 1 WYATT TT aalt lake city eyes examined free 1 31 X N U V salt halt jt lako ithe no 13 isay j 1 GEO CEO JAS glendinning H S president vice president and trees secretary geo IVI S scott c 0 t t go 0 incorporated IMPORTERS AND hardware harawa DEALERS IN as BAR AND sha SHEET ar IRON STEEL IPE F AGENTS FOR buffalo scale company detroit stove co atlas engine works john van sz home steel ranges dodge wooden pulleys coles airtight air tight heaters california powder works worthington steam pumps celebrated anchor brand cylinder and revere rubber co engine oil dodge Injector Inject ora ii inowe brown aco cot CO t drill androos an drool steel leviathan belting miners tools stoves etell etc and a general assortment of mill kill findings STORE MAIN AIN STREET WAKE CUSE W SECOND SO ALT LAKE CITY u |