Show ert CONTEMPT CA CAMF sr newspaper men appeal to the red jehiol aral mo coarl san francisco 20 20 managing editor A nf lawrence and reporter L IL levin levings of the examiner will have to apply to the united states supreme p r e r n e cou court r t be before fo r e tl aliey i e y ci can n r regain e g a ln t their h e i r 1 liberty i b e r t v 1 the li e m men e n w were e r e 0 ordered rd e r e d t to 0 1 jail il t I 1 by th the state senate for refusing refining to tell ily where here they fr rot ot their information which led to charges charees ot of bribery preferred by the examiner against members of the legislature the action of the senate has been upheld by the supreme rne court 0 I 1 the state and today application was made to the united states stater district judge morrow for the release oi of the men 0 on n writs of habeas corpus judge morrow re aused to grant the writ arlt but bilt released relea the men on 1000 ball each pending an appeal to the supreme court ot of the united states |