Show theatre this is spring lovely warm days theatre tomorrow to morrow evening bully for the home dramatic troop croup and sore throat is prevalent rv valent in garden city force of impulse at randolph saturday march 27 1697 1897 F mr W L of garden city is quite ill with pneumonia 1 macit 17 1 7 r alting ig rapidly sen see Force of impulse and save doctors bills that wave of prosperity has struck us look at our new ads ada john snowball of rich county couii tv was a notary public monday rich bich county merchants re realius allas the benefit of advertising seo their nils ads in our columns mr jos JOB S moffat wag waa over from Meadow meadowville ville tuesday and gave gava us a pleasant call our thespians were delighted with their reception at laketown Lake town and reported an excellent time tima there FURCE FORCE OF IMPULSE at woodruff march lath laketown Lake town march randolph march ababa A babygirl baby girl was wag born to the wife of jno 0 gray early last friday ni mother and babe are doing nicely tomorrow to morrow evening is your last chance to see force of impulse be sure to take it in I 1 i FOR SALE A thoroughbred 5 year old hereford bull J W myers M evanston EvaD Ston wyo hon D S cook was looking in on old friends in randolph wednesday he went to evanston thursday if you have land for or sale advertise the fact so that people outside the county who are looking for bounes may know we have just received another load of spring goods also hams hains baron bacon california evaporated fruits keg syrup band and keg pickles which we will sell at prices to suit the times spencer bros I 1 have plenty of money to loan on improved farm property low interest lorill lone time easy payments you can pay it back by installments interest ceasing on all amounts as paid apply to R S spence montpelier ida if you are sick or in pain from any of the following cramp cat arrah toothache headache earache face ache rheumatics neuralgia or any other ailment get a bottle of pain paint from E T pope randolph price 25 50 cents and 81 per bottle f t SALT LAKE semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY TRIBUNE on june 1st ast the th salt lake tribune will reduce the price of the semi week ly to per year the present high standard vi ill bo maintained and an devery every effort will be made to keep the semiweekly in the front rank jas cozzens and wit phelps were over to thomas fork la last week and while returning home lost two horses borses in tha inn snow they got off the trail and the snow being deep they smothered to death while the owners W were ere endeavoring to gat them out montpelier idaho examiner rheumatism quickly cured after having been confined to the house bouse for eleven days and paying out 25 in doctor bills without benefit mr air frank dolson of sault ste M marie arie mich was cured b by one bottle of chamberlain pain balm costing 25 cents and has not since been troubled with that complaint rom plaint for sale by IKE SMITH siran john W dykins a long ago sheriff of sweetwater county and a good staunch republican who for many years has been bean one of prosperous ranch men in the boar bear lake laka district north of t evanston is ia a candidate for the appoint ripp aint ment of united states marshal for utah the miner iliner from a personal knowledge of the man cheerfully adds its endorsement to his application with the statement that mr dykins is lully fully qualified for the position awl and this paper a hopes to bo be able soon to extend con i upon his hia success rock springs miner kiner HOWS THIS we offer ono one hundred dollars reward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by br halls catarrh cure F J co props toledo 0 we the undersigned undersigner under signed have known F J cheney for the last 16 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations mile male by their r firm WEST wholesale Wholes Lile druggists toledo 0 WALDINO WALDING KINNAN MARVIN wholesale druggists toledo ohio halls catarrh cure is ia taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system tem price per bottle sold by all druggists drag testimonials free hall 1 4 family pilla pill are the boat best the woodruff dramatic association will present Jo siahs courtship and imogene to tn the people of ann Ranil alolph olph on friday and satur Sa lay april 2nd and and 3rd ard the proceeds edi are for the purpose of helping to finish tho the new meeting ine eting house at woodruff see cast of plays in our columns dangers of tho the grip the gre greti abst cst dancer from froin la grippe is of its resulting in pneumonia afria if rv a care is isu used seil however bor lains cough remedy taken all danger will he avoided among the te tens of thousands who have used this remedy for la grippa we have I 1 act et to learn of a single case care having resulted in pneumonia shows conclusively that this remedy is a certain preventative of that dread disease it will effect a permanent cure in less time than any other treatment the 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by IKE SMITH |