Show STRATEGY OF THE TURTLE the manner in which it captures RHU bail fish tor for food the snapping turtle eats a variety ot of things when it gets a chance it catches and eats live fish elsh usually killi asIL while the turtle is a pretty fair swim mer in its way it cant begin to compete with the fish it captures the fish by strategy when the tide comes in killifish como come up the creeks in swarms looking for food the killifish Is ia a scavenger it will eat almost anything any scrap of food floating on the tee water Is is fastened upon perhaps by one kiall or by ten or there may be a hundred killies struggling and pushing to get at it avd aad tearing oft off shreds and frag rai ments whenever they reach it this 1 li the turtles opportunity the turtle standing in the shallow water edges edged towards the nearest kalill moving slowly and cautiously with its neck extended As it moves nearer it gradually contracts its neck drawing its head back thiard ard its shell its body is all the time getting closer to the killi but its itis head is not the mill killi it it has an aa eye on the turtle at all is thus lulled failed into a false security it II seems never to realize the telescopic character of the turtles neck the turtle calculates distances with great nicety still inching steadily forward ard it keeps all the time draw drawing ingin in its head bead until perhaps only its eyes are visible peering out from under the cog edge e ot of its shell then when it Is IB within striking distance suddenly out shoots its head and oftener than not it gets the mill killi of |