Show FRUITS OF THE SESSION the of the legislature 1 decord I 1 lie ldoa I 1 1 by the acl of via aa koconis tn and I 1 resolution the bills pasted passed by tile the two branches and approved are as follows fixing the compensation of members officers and attaches of the legislature relating to the formation 0 f railroad companies the short line bill for the relief of the school districts district i that 1 failed to levy jevy a special tax in 1896 1 egiel 1 lation bill for the compulsory education of dei deaf I 1 dumb and blind children to protect the health of women and girl employed emp loyes appropriations for the university and tor for deficiencies the public school bill the general election davv laithe the land board bill ta provide for a branch of the normal in beaver geror or iron county authorizing cities and to tow ns ile to borrow money for water or light works or sewer sye systems tute to protect evergreen timber in the mountains of utah accepting the terms of the carey arid land grant the fish and game bill restraining j justices artices of the peace and constables in certain cases for the publication of f the code and the continua continuation tio n of the code commission giving the land board power to lease in mineral literal lands authorizing county assessors to assess railroad lands not used tor for road bed or right of way exempting from taxation lands whose where title Is vested in the state to submit questions oi of indebtedness debt edness for school maintenance the mining recorder bill relating to police and fire departments in cities of the sec bee ond class appropriating oooo for the trans mississippi exposition to stock bear lake bear river and sevier river with black bass front from utah like lake defining the meaning of title and chapter as used in this sessions laws law for print ing reports of state officers and publishing the opinions of oe the a torney attorney gen era the fol following loiNing senate joint reso resolutions lutlo its were passed authorizing governor to appoint arizona commissioners constitutional amendment to be known at ai section 32 article 6 brigham young statue commission constitutional amendment to section io 10 article 7 3 the senate joint memorials passed were constitutional amendment for election of united states sena ors by the the people delatin relating g to ulner h and un compili gre reservations in governors hands delatin relating to cuba as ting drig for apt ap tor for enlar gemer t and improvement pro of fort douglas asking redress for losses sustained in black hawk adlan war relating to granting of in dt home ball balading ding for educational and charitable purposes to modify lam davs s in respect to sawing of timber from gov can lands for ube iise in virility vici lity where grown in governors governors hands HOUSE DOUSE BILLS APPROVED the house bills approved were by mrs la barthe high tat I 1 at bill by shepard fixing the fees to be charged by the sec of state by co k of box elder animal and bird bounty bill by kimball of 0 cache authorizing boards ot of education to use their sinking funds by creer creating the office of state engineer by kenner amenda amending the marriage law by dennion bennion horticultural bill by wilson allson amending the tYe law relative to the summoning and drawing of grand jurors by making deficiency appropriations tor for several state institutions by shepard providing for the distribution of 0 supreme court reports by cailis for tile the weighing of coal at the mine by shepard permitting the united states to use are the county jails for the confinement of united states prisoners by kenner Ken iier regulating pawn brol brokers cers and secondhand second hand dealers fe alers by providing for the service of summons ons out of justices courts by sorensen of sanpete San Sam pete for the acceptance of acres of land from the united states in lieu of the school lands by obrien len the funding oC of certain indebted begs by perkins for the relief of poor gants by Be bennion nillon to prevent the adulteration of vin garby shepard co governing verning the general subject of alignments by Per perkina kinq for the election of certain officers in cities and towns by sorensen neen of grand requiring the operators of fez rier to ob tain fain franchises by sloan the reservation land grant fund by gibson prohibiting the sale of liquor within ten miles of an binnian reservation by sloan anthor authorizing IzIng the county to reimburse the civic federation by robinson requiring owners of live stock to re record their m and brands by committee covering I 1 tile he general en subject of irrigation by murdock creating the afi office ice of food and dairy in inspector by sloan a libel law these joint reso resolutions lut lons were adopted by sloan memorial to congress cor agress aik a ik ng tor for the reservoir sites reserved by the united states by deml centennial 1 committee providing for additional acin ers era of the detill centennial commission and appropriating b taylor promoting pro poring an amendment 0 lo 10 o section 3 article 13 of tile the constitution the liouben joint memorials that passed are by hansen hanen in III relation to the cult cul lva tiva tion and preservation ol 01 of forests by Gibson asking for reimbursement lor for ak fr v veterans et 11 rans of 0 black hawk indian wars ware of 1864 to 1870 lor for services eel vices rendered and losses sustained j by mrs labarthe asking congress congre rs for the industrial home by martin praying for restraint of the southern ute ule indians by greenwood asking congress to withdraw from sale and set apart as a state slate park floh fiah lake and certain lands appurtenant thereto |