Show ItAI IARI lIM Vl criff gaii rit the dellento Nel lento wax wag hopfl top fl an innocent little girl houston tex march is ig the most daring erime ever known here was frustrated this morning at 3 when detectives killed walter hughes as he was in the act of entering the house of frank dunn dunna a wealthy resident of this city the police received information some time ago that a scheme was war on foot to fo kidnap dunns little daughter the purpose of the kidnappers kid w was as to keep the girl in captivity and demand QA oooo ransom detectives have been on duty at mr dunns house for several nights but no developments occurred until this morning when it was discovered that a man was attempting to force one of the windows of the one of th the e officers inadvertently attracted the attention lon of the marauder who finding that he was dic discovered covered drew a revolver and fired twice at the detective the detectives then opened fire and the intruder fell dead when hughes body was searched a revolver a keen edged butcher knife anda and a bottle of chiro chloroform form was vas found an immense crowd has gd gathered in and around the mor morgue lic where the body lies mrs hughes has been I 1 arrested but will not talk |